Chapter 21: I belong to him

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"El! El!! What the fuck were you thinking?" Harry carries me up from the floor, his eyes scanning everywhere, seeing broken pieces, cigarettes, and so on.

I mouth 'Harry' and smile. He was always there to save me. I shouldn't have doubted Harry. He still cares...

"Harry, what happened?" Emilia says, frightened.

"Just get me my keys in my room. She had an asthma attack." Harry rushed me out of the room. Just staring at Harry with my deem eyes about to go unconscious, I felt save and I didn't care about what was going to happen to me because Harry was there for me. I belong to him.

The paparazzi were outside Shawn's house taking pictures of us three as Harry put me in the car.

"Mr Grey!!! What happened to Shawn's girlfriend?! As she been having these attacks?! Did you get into a fight and try to kill her?!"

Questions arose but I shut the door, not answering their silly questions.

I took on the highest speed, turning back each second to see Elena. Emilia was trying her best to make sure she stays alive. She has to live. I can't lose her. She's all I have.

I stopped at the hospital. She was rushed in for medical care. I called Shawn as fast as I could but he wasn't picking up so I left a voice mail.

The doctor came in few minutes later.
I stood up speedily. I have been waiting impatiently. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have hurt her intentionally. This is all my fault.

"Doctor, how's she?" I asked nervously.

"You are?" He asks.

"Her friend. Is something wrong? Is she okay?!"

"Yes, she's responding to treatment. We just gave her oxygen to breathe. She just needs to rest and you have to make sure she doesn't take anything that can make this occur again. She was so lucky because you brought her in quickly."

"Can I see her now?" I ask.

"Yes, sure."

Shawn's studio

"Take five, four, three,two..."

"So I thought there was a bond between us.

Thought we can never be apart.

But what I see now says otherwise

But you keep reminding me, how much you love me...

But you never said how much you needed me.

Tell me...

Do you really want me?
Do you even need me?
Can I still trust you?

Cause my heart's been broken

And I don't know when it will heal.

Just tell me...

Do you really want me?
Do you really need me?
Do I still have the right to love you.

I just wanna know....

"Guess who just showed, Shawn." Shawn's manager says, surprised to see the one girl that almost ruined relationship with Elena.

"And who will that be?" I say, getting out of the studio room.

"Hey, Shawn. It's been a while. I really... really missed you."


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