Chapter 48: He's your enemy

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Shawn's pov

I got out of bed to clear my head. Anna was still asleep. I can't still believe i made out with her. I ordered for a bottle of wine and it was brought immediately. I drank my worries away. Why do i just feel something is wrong? Elena has been behaving weird lately. She's been hiding things from me and denying me from my rights. She hardly lets me touch her. Is she seeing someone else?

"Your enemy is closer than you think." Anna spoke, which made me turn to her.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.


"Harry isn't my enemy. He's my best friend."

She rolls her eyes and stepped out of bed. Her hands were on my arms. She gave me a quick massage.

"Best friend?" She laughs a little and continues.

"Harry was never your best friend."

I don't know what she's getting at but i just let her speak without arguing.

"What would you do if your best friend was having an affair secretly with your girlfriend?" Anna whispered to me.

"I would lose it."


"I'd kill him with a gun in his cock."

She smiled in victory.

"I thought you might need this." She puts the object on the table. I was shocked. What the hell was she doing with that?

"Why do you have a gun?"

"Does that matter? You have some balls to shoot, don't you?"

"No, no. Harry would never do that to me?" I stood up, pacing around, different thoughts rolling into my mind.

"And why not? Did you see him with any other girl? You always leave them alone at home. Who knows what they are doing...right now."

I clenched my fist as the thoughts of Harry sleeping with Elena disturbed my mind.

"Why don't you surprise them before sunrise? That will be much easy to clear your doubts."

I took the gun and held it with so much anger. I swear if it's what i think it is, I swear i going to kill you, Harry. I swear.

Elena's POV

Harry and I decided to go watch a movie to while away time. He bought the tickets while i went to get some popcorn. I vividly remember the last time Harry, Shawn and me watched a movie together. I cried so much watching Titanic. I sat at the middle and i knew they both wanted to comfort me but Shawn got his hands around my arms first.

I bumped into someone making all the popcorn strew around. My glasses fell on the floor. I quickly picked it up before someone noticed who i was.

"I'm so sorry." The guy apologized, pulling me up.

"No, I'm sorry. It was my fault." I spoke, adjusting my glasses.

"You know you look pretty much beautiful without glasses."

"What?" I looked at the guy again. I was captured by his blue eyes, so muscular, so hot and i can't help to blush at him calling me beautiful.

"You're beautiful without those big glasses." He tells me.

"Really?" I blushed.

"Yeah... are you here with someone? I actually came alone."

"Am I here with someone? Pfft." I totally got my mind off Harry.

"I'm obviously..."

"She's with me." Harry grabbed my hand, holding me tight with glaring eyes.

"Oh, I see. He's your boy friend." He felt displeased.

"Umm...well..."  I tried to say something but Harry cut me off.

"Obviously." Harry tightens his grip on my hand.

"I think we have a movie to catch up to, don't we baby?" Harry fixes his eyes on the guy trying to flirt with Elena.

"Yeah, that's true."

"Hope we meet again, then." The guy spoke to me but before i could even reply, Harry pulled me to corner.

"What is going on, El?"

"I...don't understand."

"Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"Why would i do that? I was just being nice to him." I roll my eyes.

"Don't do that. I'm still talking."

"Are you jealous then?" I ask him

"No, why would I?" He denied.

"You look so pissed."

"Uh...well...that's not the point." He tries denying.


"El, we need to be more careful. Some reporter knows our secret."

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