Chapter 49: The unexpected.

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"Why didn't you tell me?" I took a bottle of juice from the fridge while Harry shut the door.

"You won't let me enjoy the night with you if i did." He smirks and sits down feeling relaxed.

"Oh, so are we in trouble? Shawn will..." I spoke with uneasiness.

"Shawn will never find out. I already settled it." He grabbed the bottle from my hand, drinking what's left of it.

"Settled it? How?" I was anxious to know.

"I gave her what she wanted." He smiled off.

"What?! It's not a man." I got on my feet, angry.

"No, it was a lady. She should be 5'5 inches. She's fine you know."

"Harry, what did you give her?!"

"What she wanted?" He laughed at me and crossed his legs.

I roll my eyes in anger, sitting on his laps.

"Tell me right now." I pulled his ears.

"I told you already. Elena, if my ears fall off i won't look cute anymore." He looked at me with pitiful eyes.

I roll my eyes, letting go of his ears. He's so pathetic.

"You know your butt feels nice on me." He's hands touches my buttocks and i pushed him away.

"I hate you so much. You slept with her! What else could she have asked for? You're so handsome to resist."

"Elena.. what..." He laughs again, getting me pissed.

"Am i not enough for you? She can't be that pretty." I whine, turning my back at him.

"El, come on. Do you really think i would do that to you?" He wraps his hands around my waist, bringing his neck to my shoulders.

"You hesitated."

"I was just your pulling your legs. Now, you know how it feels to make someone jealous." He laughed.

"You....!" I spanked him on his butt.

"El...stop...'s so painful." He escaped from my grasp. I'm so going to deal with him.

Shawn's Pov

My mind still drifts to the thought of Elena cheating on me.

"Did you really know why Harry left for England?"

"He couldn't face the fact that you were with Elena."

"And now that he's staying at your place, who knows what what could have happened. What am i saying Shawn? Elena told me these things. She was so happy at the beach. Since you weren't paying much attention to her, Harry got to warm her bed nicely."


I clenched my fists in rage, holding the gun Anna gave me. Dennis kept on calling my line but i rejected it and switched off my phone. I got out of my car. I was already at the door. Different thoughts rolled into my head. What will i do if it's really true?


"Harry, stop. Not right now. I'm tired." I try resisting him but he was too clingy.

"But i want you right now." He pulled me closer to him.

"But it's five in the morning. I'm so tired. Sleep." I groan tiredly.

"How can i sleep when i feel so active?" He pulls me closer to him.

"We have plenty of time. Shawn isn't coming back yet."

The light switched on, making us wonder who it would be. There's no one else in the house except Harry and I.


I know that voice.

I cover my face as i saw him clearly. I couldn't face him. There was no explanation.

"Shawn..please..." Harry tried to speak but cuts him off.

"Shut up!" He pulled out his gun at Harry.

"Oh my god, Shawn." I spoke out of fear.

"Shut up you whore." He growled.

"Shawn it's not up to this. Drop the gun down." Harry tried changing his mind

"And why would I? I should have believed Anna. I should have believed Damien. You lied to me Elena. All this while, I was the one being fooled."

"Shawn...I can explain...Please..." I stood up from the bed.

"Don't come close to me! I said don't come close to me!" He shouts in rage. I stopped dead in my tracks. There was nothing i could do to change his mind. One of us isn't coming out of the room alive.

"Why don't you guys do what you were wanting to do. Harry, you're still active, aren't you? You're free. I would love to see how you guys have been having fun while i was away."


"Did you just call me bro? Harry, you're the last person i thought will do this to me you know. I trusted you but you fucked up big time. Do you have any last words?"

"Shawn, please don't.." I held unto Harry's hands. I don't want to lose him.

"Let's settle this some other way."

"But there's no other way, Elena."

"Shawn, you've been drinking. Snap out of it."

"You leave me no choice." He pulls the trigger at Harry. The thought of losing him flushed into my mind. I couldn't bare it.

Harry's POV

I closed my eyes, accepting my fate. I knew I deserved this but i don't regret loving her. I would never. I heard the sound of him pulling the trigger but i was still alive and it made me get confused. I opened my eyes only to see Elena laying helplessly on the ground. My world was turned upside down.

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