Chapter 29: She needs me

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Harry's POV

I turned around, hoping no one heard what she had just said. Luckily, they weren't here. She sounded really serious. A part of me wondered why she asked this question. Did she know about us?

"Did Elena..."

"I know my daughter has feelings for you but do you love her?" She asked again.

"Yes, I love her and I'll do anything to get her back." I say boldly.

"You see, that's where you're mistaken. She was never yours. She belongs to someone else and that's Shawn. Shawn loves her dearly. Do you still realize he's your friend? I know love can make you blind but you shouldn't be that stupid to not know the gravity of what you're doing. I'm just going to say this once, stay away from my daughter." She warned.

I was hurt by her words but that doesn't mean I'll let it take control over me. Elena is mine.

"Now that's where you're wrong. You want me to stay away from Elena, right? But can your daughter stay away from me? Elena can't do without me and I can't do without her either. So if you want to have such conversation, it's best you talk to Elena. I mean, she's your daughter right?" Now, who's hurt.

Anna appeared with Elena taking a seat with us.

"Did I miss anything?" Anna spoke, breaking the silence...

"No, not at all. Jade and I were just talking about Elena's health." I spoke.

Elena's pov

We cleared the dishes off the table. Anna had already left. My mom and I were left in the kitchen. I felt isolated around her.

"Elena.." My mom calls while I was washing the dishes.

"Do you want to know why your dad and I got divorced?" She paused and continues. "It was all because of me. I cheated on him. I was having an affair with my boss."

I stopped what I was doing paying attention to her words.

"Your father's a good man so is Shawn. I don't want you to make this same mistake."

"I'm not doing anything wrong." I say.

"You can deny it right now that you haven't been sleeping with Harry."

"What I do is none of your business." I left the kitchen, avoiding anymore conversation. I went into Shawn's room so she wouldn't bother me and get her ass out of here. I just can't stand her. I took a quick bathe and went straight to bed. A warm hand wrapped around me, kissing every exposed part of my body. It reminded me of the way Harry made me feel in the ranch.

"You're so beautiful." He says as we both felt each other. My hands brushed against his back roughly as he digs hard into me. He slides my hair away from my face, kissing every part he's eyes could meet.

I just want to feel that again. I want to feel Harry.

"Baby..." Shawn kisses me further. A part of me was hurt that it wasn't Harry. I wish it were him because I was ready to give myself. I feel empty right now so much that my body itches for him.

"Is she gone?" I ask, trying to take his mind of what he wished of doing.

"Long gone. Said she loves you." He's hands brushes against my skin.

I scoff at my mom words. Love me? Pfft. She didn't think about the end result when she was sleeping around.

"Elena, you know I love you more than you can imagine. I'm never going to let you go. You're a priceless gold baby." Shawn speaks sweet.

He's hands digs into my underwear and it makes me feel uneasy.

"Shawn, right now?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah." He digs a finger into me, making me let out a slow moaning sound. He digs in another finger and another...

"Oh my god." I moan loudly.

Harry's pov

I could hear them having fun from my room. It hurt me and I was angry. Elena was having sex with Shawn. I thought she loved me.

I got up from my bed angrily and went out of my room. I was now at their door step. I just wanted to break the door now and get my El out of there. SHE BELONGS TO ME! ONLY ME! As much as I want to barge into Shawn's room, I couldn't. I couldn't risk him finding out about us.


Elena's POV

He kissed my body desperately. He was ready to pull off my night wear when my hands unconsciously stops him.

"Something on your mind you'll like to share?"

"Shawn, I can't. Not right now." I say. I knew it hurt him but I don't want to do this. Not with him.

"I get it." He stood up from the bed, taking one of the pillows.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What you want me to do. I'll sleep on the couch." He puts the pillow on the couch, about to lay down.

"Shawn, it's not up to this. Please.....I just got back from the hospital. I'm just tired." I explain myself.

"Stop lying! Elena just stop it! You've been resisting me lately. Tell me, you have someone else fucking you better? Tell me!" He speaks out in anger.

"Shawn, please. It's not what you think." I plead but he wasn't listening.

"I think it's best I sleep in the guest room. Go find someone else to warm up your bed." He left the room.

I just couldn't stop crying. This is the second time we've quarrelled. What will happen when this occurs again?

Harry's POV

I was happy with the way things turned out. I knew Elena wouldn't do this to me. I quickly entered back into my room as I heard Shawn's footsteps. He was heading for the guest room. I should go check on Elena. She needs me.

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