Chapter 7: Truth or dare

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Elena's pov

I plopped down beside Shawn, my gaze fixed on Harry. Shawn showered me with kisses on my cheeks, inquiring about my whereabouts.

"In the bathroom," I murmured, but my eyes remained locked on Harry, who was now surrounded by two stunning bikini-clad girls vying for his attention. It fueled my anger, a part of me questioning why I was so worked up, yet I pushed the thoughts aside.

He was now engrossed in kissing one of the girls, his hands wandering boldly. It grated on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. When his eyes met mine, I swiftly averted my gaze, not wanting to get entangled in any drama.

A chuckle escaped him, further fueling my irritation. Did he think I was jealous ? Why... why would that I even be?

I turned my gaze back to him, shooting a silent warning of 'don't even think about it,' but all he did in response was deepen his kiss with that girl. I recoiled, rising to my feet in a surge of anger. Why did I even stand up and scream?  Everyone looked at me like I was some fool once again. This has to stop. I don't have feelings or whatsoever for him. Not even a tiny bit.

"Let's spice things up with a game," the guy who had whispered to Shawn earlier, Damien, suggested. He was one of Shawn's friends.

"What game?" a few voices inquired.

"Truth or dare," Damien announced with a grin. "Let's kick this party up a notch!"

"I'm game!" echoed many voices, eager to join in the fun.

"This is how we're rolling. One truth, two dares. What do you say, guys?"

"Cool," they chimed in.

"Harry, are you here with us or too preoccupied with that pretty face?" Damien teased Harry, who was still engaged with the slimy bitch.

"Yeah, yeah," Harry responded, releasing the girl who seemed quite content.

"Now, Elena, truth or dare," Damien turned his attention to me.

Oh my goodness, I gestured towards myself, feeling a lump in my throat. What should I choose?

"Dare," I blurted out.

"I dare you to sit on Harry's lap and kiss him. No rules, remember that," Damien challenged.

My heart plummeted, and Shawn rose in a fit of rage.

"What do you think you're doing, Damien? You know she's with me," Shawn spat, his anger simmering.

"You're both players here. Should've known the rules by now. Just a kiss, no big deal," Damien retorted, unfazed by Shawn's fury.

"Elena, time to play your part," Damien prompted.

"It's all good. Just a game, right? Won't mean a thing," I reassured Shawn with a pat on his leg. I wanted to believe my own words, but deep down, I knew it was a blatant lie. Stepping over to Harry, I followed Damien's instructions, planting a kiss on Harry. OH MY STARS ! I'M ACTUALLY KISSING HARRY.

Before I kissed him, Harry whispered to me, "We could end this game now if you want. I know you're still mad at me," his words soft against the chaotic background.

"No. Let's do this." I say. All my body was craving for that strawberry lips as I stared at it. I wasn't thinking about what Harry said. I was thinking about playing the game. A part of me was so excited with the dare. NO, EVERY PART OF ME. I cupped his chin, bringing his face closer to me as my lips devoured his softly. I was so engrossed that I almost forgot it was just a game, until Harry abruptly pulled back. I looked at him, uncertain. Did he feel anything for me, not even a little bit? He took me away from my delusion when he suddenly cleaned his lips with his hands. I shot him a fierce glare. He just didn't mean I had bad breathe! How dare he?!

"What the fuck." I blurted out. Harry had definitely triggered my anger.

"Is there a problem?" Damien inquired, his tone probing.

"Nah, everything's peachy..." I chuckled, feeling like a complete idiot once more.

"Some potato head just made a sign I've got dragon breath."

Laughter erupted around me, fueling my simmering irritation.

"Do you really think this is funny, Harry?"  I demanded, stepping closer to him. Shawn's presence slipped my mind as I focused on Harry.

"Elena, not now." Harry interjected, locking eyes with me, but my attention had already veered elsewhere.

"Oh, so now it's Elena," I remarked, realizing the shift from El. "You can spill the beans on what you were itching to say post-kiss. Spill it," I urged.

"Not here, Elena."

"There again. Trying to shut me up."

"Why don't you answer the question, Harry." Damien chimed in.

"Don't dictate to me," Harry shot back at Damien.

"Why? Tell everyone." Shawn interjected, his eyes betraying hurt from the kiss.

"If you really want to know, It was good. The kiss was good okay. You satisfied?"Harry replied, running his hand through his hair, feeling the heat of the moment. I was left stunned, mouth agape, feeling like I'd placed him on a hot seat. My mind raced, lost for words. I was caught off guard when Shawn abruptly stood up and left before I even turned around.

"I'm out," Shawn declared, leaving.

"Shawn, wait!" Panic set in. What had I just done?

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