Chapter 16-Who's the bitch?

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Elena's pov

I stood at the door frozen as I saw Harry completely naked. He was looking so hot than ever as water dripped from his wet body. I swallowed the lump in my throat as those devilish thoughts in my head messed with me.

"What are you doing here?" Harry said after noticing my presence.

"Er.....uhmm..I....actually I brought some toast for you since I was making some for myself." I distract myself from looking at his naked body.

"Okay, thanks but I'm not hungry but you could keep some for my guest." Harry said, wrapping himself in a towel.

"Guest?" I was confused.

"Yeah, I have a guest and you should treat her nice." He picks out some clothes in his wardrobe.

"'s a girl...." I said slowly, processing the information.

"Yeah... so can I dress up because I think you just love seeing me naked." He smirks.

"What?!" "Of course not! It's not like you're that hot." I say, trying to hide my true feelings.

"You sure about that? Just say the word and I'm all yours now." He smirked, putting his hand on his towel waiting for my call.

"Well, I'm not interested." I walked out of the room, breathing out heavily. The room was really tense. Oh my gosh. It was so hot in there.

My mind wouldn't stop thinking about the guest he claims he was bringing. I want to ask him badly but he might think I'm just jealous. The sound of the doorbell distracted me from my thoughts. I opened the door only to see a lady in her twenties on a short leather skirt and a black crop top with a leather jacket on.

"Hey, umm. Is this Harry's? I'm not sure if I'm at the right place." She said with a light smile on her face. My eyes scans her for second. All I could think of saying is, 'who's this bitch?' She looked nothing less than a whore to me.

"Baby!" I heard Harry's voice as he got down the stairs.

"Harry!" She say excitedly, pushing me away like I was nothing in front of her. She placed her hands around Harry, kissing him and he fucking did same. Who the hell is this bitch?

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