Chapter 61: All it takes

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Harry's POV

Elena texted me that she was already here. A sign of relieve swept across my face but I was still anxious to see her. I couldn't wait to see her face. It's been four days and just those days would have marked out as the times I wasn't able to have her to myself. Call me addictive, but Elena always had her way of turning me on every time I set my eyes on her. I wouldn't regret marrying her, instead, I'd call it the best accomplishment in my life. Looking straight, anticipating for her arrival, she walks into the pavilion, a smile across her face. Wait a sec, is this El, my El? Cause I couldn't tell the difference. She was far beautiful than I had imagined. It would be because I got use to her face when she wasn't on make-up. Just like I said, she had her ways of turning me up. She walked up to me, a smirk playing across her lips. I wondered what she was up to but I shrugged it off. I just couldn't wait to get married and yeah, in case Anna thinks of ruining the wedding, we've got cover.


Elena's POV

I tried all i could to untie myself, but i was out of ideas. There was no way i was getting out of here. I screamed, hoping someone would hear me. It's already been fifteen minutes since she left. She won't have gotten there yet. I need to get out of here. I can't let Harry marry the wrong person. Worst of all, Anna.

The door creaked open, revealing a girl who should be around six. Thank god! I didn't scream for nothing.

"Hello, anybody here?" She asked, a little fear in her words.

"Hmm...probably a rat." She closed the door back. She didn't give me like two seconds to speak before she thought it could be a rat.

"Someone's here... Hey little girl! Get back here. I'm all tied up." I screamed.

She walked back in and walked to where my voice came from.

"I'm not a little girl." She said back to me.

"Of course you are sweetie. Can you please help me untie this rope?" I said with excitement.

"I'm six and half. That doesn't make me a little girl. I'm a lady." She spoke authoritatively.

I looked at her again, maybe I imagined her wrongly.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"I should ask same." The girl replied. It just got worse.

"There are waiting for me at my wedding and I got stuck here."

"Oh I see, well I live few blocks away. My mom owns a farm nearby."

"Oh, I see. So, can you untie me now?" I tried avoiding our unnecessary discussion.



"I can't just untie you like that can i?" She said, hoping I'll get the message. She isn't a little kid. I got that part wrong.

"I'll pay 10."

"No, too small." She declined my offer.

I looked at her again, trying to get a clearer picture. Little kids mostly buys sweets. Why isn't she satisfied with that amount?

"Fine, 20."

"Hmm...let me think, No."

"Twenty five." I say but she still didn't agree.


"Thirty. please, thirty bucks." I pleaded.

"Okay, since you begged."

After getting me out of the ropes, I paid her.

"It was nice doing business with you. Hope we meet again." The young girl said happily.

"We won't. Definitely not." I got out of the house, my body welcomed by the cool breeze. I pulled off my heels and ran as fast as i can, hoping i could get a taxi or something but none showed up. My eyes went to a girl who just parked her bicycle and I knew I had no choice.

I took it instantly and began to pedal. She screamed and it only made me faster. I'll pay you back in the future. Right now, I've got a wedding i don't want to miss.

Finally, i saw a taxi. I stopped the car and went in. I pleaded with the driver to drive faster. There was no time left. I got out of the car, paying him whatever my hand took from my purse. I didn't care if it was excess. I had problems to solve.

I got into the gazebo, screaming 'stop' repeatedly. Everyone turned to the mad lady, which was me. They were utterly shocked.

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