Chapter 23: Who is more bitchy?

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Elena's POV

I clenched my fist just as I saw Emilia. She's messing with the wrong girl. Trying to take what's mine? That's never going to happen bitch! He's mine and I don't share.

Harry shakes his head towards Emilia. He was trying to tell her something.

"Harry, I don't think I can do this anymore. Just take a look at her." Emilia speaks with fear. They were confusing me. What I just want to do is rip her head off.

Harry looks at me, trying to get her message. I was filled with rage that couldn't be hidden. How dare he sleep with her?! You're next Harry. Just wait till I show this bitch her place.

"She's going to kill me! Elena, you got it all wrong! We never had sex. Harry planned everything. He said he wanted you to confess how you felt. You should know I can't decline such deal when money is all that matters. I'm so sorry. You guys sort whatever is going on between you two. I'm out Harry. I don't want an early grave." She spoke out of fear, seeing how angry I had become.

"She looks like a psycho." She muttered.

"Wait, what did you say?" I say with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh, nothing. See you never, Harry." She shut the door, taking her leave.

I turn to Harry with glaring eyes. He went too far. Why will he test my feelings for him? I didn't have to say that I love him. It was clearly visible. He shouldn't have gone this far.

"Please...don't slap me." Harry says with fear written on his face. He knows I can be a bitch sometimes.

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