Chapter 22: She's furious

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Shawn's POV

I never thought she would show up again after our last incident on Damien's birthday. I'm surprised. The room was now occupied with only us two.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you miss me?" She drops her bag down, moving close to me.

"Amelia, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"What else?" She pulled off her coat, revealing her lingerie. My mouth moved unconsciously, dying for a taste of these exposed shapes. She was hot.

"Like what you see?" We could feel each other's breathe. Our eyes both staring at one thing. She kisses me roughly and I couldn't stop her but do the same. She pushes me on the sofa, her legs closing mine. She grins as she opens the buttons of my shirt.

"You missed me don't you?"

I give no reply as guilty conscience roll in my head. I'm hurting Elena again.

"You made me look like a slut to your....what is she again? Ah! Your toy. Trust me, you know I will always stay loyal to you." She pulled off my shirt, throwing it on the floor.

"It was just one night." I say.

"You just couldn't get your eyes away from me in the pool and I just couldn't get my eyes away from your erection." She smirked, kissing my chest downwards.

"Shut up!" I pushed her away.

I try my best to keep calm but those memories haunted me. It reminded me of when Elena walked into the room seeing me and Amelia on the bed naked. She was hurt and no girl will be in her right senses to forgive such person like me but she did and now I'm breaking that trust again. She was loyal to me.

"Baby, don't over think it. She's not going to find out this time and even if she does she will come running back to you. She's yours but you're mine." She tried kissing me but I push her away.

"Get out! I don't want to see you. I love Elena not you. What we had was a mistake. I bet Damien will be happy to see you." I shut the door on her.

"See you around, babe." She says through the door. I let a rough hand through my hair. I can't believe I let her take control over me again. What if Elena walked in? I really need to be careful. I checked my phone. Harry had tried calling me. I checked my voicemail.

"Hey, Shawn. Elena had an asthma attack. She's at the hospital."

Harry's POV

"Why did you do it, El? What were you thinking?" I asked Elena who just recovered. She was looking pale.

"I was thinking of you, Harry. You hurt me. It would have been better if I just died. I could bare it!" Tears fell from her eyes. I want to clean them off but I couldn't. She's still mad at me but she didn't know how hurt I was when she ignored what we had together that night.

"I hurt you?! You kept pushing me away and you say I hurt you?! Elena I'm hurt more than you can think. Do you think it's easy for me to watch you and Shawn when you touch each other? Do you think it was easy for me to see you kiss my best friend? So, don't turn the tables on me."

"You enjoyed yourself today, didn't you?" She wipes her tears away with her palms, changing the subject.

"Why do you ask? Are you jealous?" I smile wickedly.

"No, why would I be?" She turns her  face away from me hiding the fact that she was embarrassed just by asking me.

"Hmm...I see...Since you aren't jealous, let me fill you in on what happened." She tries to stop me from speaking but I don't listen.

"So, we couldn't wait to get on bed. I pulled it off instantly. I mean everything! Oh, just at the look of those bubbles, I was on air." I shut my eyes, raising my hands in the air.

I open my left eye a little to see how things were turning out for her. Of course, she was furious.

"Wh....what's wrong? Did I give the details wrong? You want me to continue?" I ask Elena who was about to explode but we were distracted by Emily coming inside the room.

"I think she's missing the full story." Emilia smiles. This is going to be fun.

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