Chapter 24: I'm in a mess

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Elena's POV

I stare at him, thinking of what I should do at the moment. He's been very naughty.

"You played a prank on me..." I point a finger at his chest.

"I know and I'm sorry." He pleads but I wasn't giving in.

"A very bad prank that pushed me to the edge." I noted. I almost died for a useless prank.

"Elena..." He tries explaining but I shush him.

"I'm not done talking!" I shut him up. What the hell was he trying to do?! Does this look like a movie?! Playing with my feelings?!

"Oh, so tell me. Those sounds...." I say thinking he would explain those sex sounds I heard. It was so real.

"What sounds?" He pretends.
"I don't understand what you mean. Can you make it more clear?"

Hmm.... Well played. He's trying to get the words out of me.

"You want it this way. Oh suck it Emilia...oh..that's it. You're doing great. You remember now?!" Just saying the words made me want to puke. Ugh.

"Oh...that!" He says like it wasn't serious.

I gave a fake smile.

"So you were eavesdropping." He smirks.

"Of course I was." I say weakly.

"Looks like somebody's jealous." He tickled me playfully.

"Stop it... Ha..rry !" I laugh in between words.

"I'm not jea...lous!" I couldn't control myself from laughing.

"Oh, she's a bitch now. El...." He continues doing what I hate the most.

"Okay, fine! I'm jealous! You happy?!" I gave in. Gosh! He can be so annoying.

"Of course I am. I'm the happiest guy in the world right now. You just confessed! ELENA RYDER just confessed!" He hugs me like some child. Now, I think I've just infected him with my craziness.

"Can you explain the sounds now?" I say, still feeling a little jealous about everything.

"Fine! It was all part of the plan. No sex involved. Besides there's only one person I could have crazy fun with as bad as that." He winks at me.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as he said his last words. Of course it's me! The excitement flowed through my body. My lips locked around his, taking him by surprise.

"I love you." I smiled sheepishly.

"Uh...what did you say?" He pretends like he never heard.

"Dumb ass, I said I love y..."

"What did I just hear you say, Elena?" Shawn opened the door widely, taking in the shock.

Oh no...

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