Chapter 57: What's so important?

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I adjusted my sitting position because I felt uncomfortable. My hands were wet in anticipation. Shawn looked at me closely examining the fear that escaped me when mentioning her name. Yes, I was now scared of what she had become. She was different from the girl I once knew, NO, I never knew her. 

"What do you want to know about her?"  Shawn snapped me out of my reverie.

"I... Shawn...I know she's onto something. I just want to..." Shawn cuts me off.

"Know where she is and inform the police so she could rot in jail?" He looked displeased, finishing his statement. 

Not bad though. He just said it just like I wanted to.

"I will..." Go on. I commanded inside me.

"Not tell you." He finished, awakening my senses.

"Why?!" I yelled. Everyone's attention was diverted to me. I apologized silently, continuing with the discussion that gave me a kick in the teeth.

"My life is in danger here," I whisper yelled.

"Whose life?" He asked, which sounded weird. I looked around foolishly returning my gaze back on him. Was he playing me?! My life obviously!

He let out a smile which faded away quickly with a look of seriousness.

"Why would she want to hurt you Elena? You aren't her target?"

"Wait, I'm not." I felt subdued from my fear.

"Think about it, who do you think she's after?" He asked a smirk playing around his lips but still I wasn't getting the message.

"What is so important to you, Elena?" 

Did that ring a bell? Hell Yes! But wait, this is bad! Oh my gosh. This isn't good. 

I raised my head up only to see that Shawn had gone back to his cell. My time was over. I rushed out of the place heading back home. I drove in crazy speed. Harry might be in danger.

"Would you at least tell me what happened that made you come out deranged?" Sharon asked but I wasn't intending on listening.

"Elena talk to me! I don't like the way you're driving! You will get us killed."

She got my attention.

"I need to see Harry!"

"Just take it slow. Elena there's an incoming truck! No, no, you're scared of trucks. We're definitely going to die." She closed her eyes and opened it back within some seconds, her heart rate beats ploddingly.

"We didn't die?" She asked unsure if this was real.

"No, we didn't. In fact, we're home." I got out of the car in a rush, entering into the house. I called 'Harry' but he was no where. I was scared. The thought of losing him makes my mind tremble.

I went back outside immediately as another thought of where he could be rushed into my mind.

Sharon had just gotten out of the car but I couldn't wait for her.

"I'll call you." I drove in high speed.

My last option was Shawn's house though I wasn't too sure but he could have went there to look for me. The lights were on when I got there and it made me more uneasy as I rushed in.

"Harry, Harry..." I called but still there was no answer. 

I entered my old room, seeing Harry laying helplessly on the floor.

I was in complete distress.

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