Chapter 41: Don't leave again

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Elena is stricken by fear as she saw Anna disguised as a nurse. Her breathing is unsteady as she tries to defend herself weakly from Anna's motive.

"There's no one to save you dear Elena. Just give up, will you." She removes the ventilator, making it hard for her to breathe.

"A..nna. pl..ease."

Elena's pleading gives Anna so much joy to watch her die.

"You're so weak. What do you even have that I don't, huh?" She touches my hair in disgust.

" i.. can't..can't breathe." Elena's voice fades away as she struggles breathing.

"I know, Elena. You're aren't worth living so just give up. Your death will be memorable. Oh and Shawn all to myself. Right on the same bed you guys, you know." She feels uncomfortable, thinking about the times Elena had spent with Shawn.

"What the hell is going on here?" Harry looks confused and startled to see Elena in a strange state and the nurse did nothing. The nurse turns back to him with a smirk playing around her lips.

"Anna? You bitch!" Harry wanted to hit her but he's reminded that Elena was in a terrible state.

"Trust me, Harry. I've been a bitch for as long as i know." She chuckles.

Harry puts in back the ventilator but turning back, Anna was gone.

"She's not going to get away with this!" He tries to go after her but Elena holds him back, shaking her head.

"Elena, she tried to hurt you and she's going to do it again. I can't bear to lose you." Tears fights it's way in his eyes.

"Please don't cry." Harry wipes the tears off her cheeks.

"I won't ever leave again, I promise." He plants a gentle kiss on her hair.

The doctor comes in.


"Mr. Styles I'm so sorry we couldn't provide maximum security for your girlfriend."

  Harry cheeks flush red and are about to combust at the doctor last words.

"We've informed the police of the incident and result shows she has been wanted for a while now."

"I don't understand. How is this possible?" The nurses attend to the patient while they discuss.

"She's a serial killer and i advise you provide security for her. Her life could be endangered if not."

Looks like it's worse than we thought. I make a quick call.

"Hey, Shawn. Yes..Yes... She's fine.'s not that serious but Anna was here. No but she tried to kill her. She's alright. Okay, see you soon then."

Elena's POV

I watch Harry closely, unaware that I was smiling a little much. He was looking so much different from last night. He had his hair curled. The thought of losing him pierced deep in my mind. I just can't bear it if he ever leaves me again.

"Harry's why are you leaving?" I hid my tears from falling, holding the helm of my prom dress. The day I became Shawn's girlfriend.

"I can't do this anymore." Harry turns his back at me. He didn't want to look at me so I wouldn't see he was hurting. Only if I had known it was the same night he was going to confess his feelings to me.

"Harry I don't understand. Did Ryn hurt you?" If I could recall, it was one of the girls he was screwing back in high school. She was the school's fuck bitch. Yes, there were times I was jealous. Right, all the time. He was always with her but not only her. Of course, he was the school bad boy who could get into any girls panties but I was clearly restricted. He never looked at me the same way but I knew he was filled with guilt.

"I just found out today she doesn't love me. I'm such a fool to have thought that. All my life I have only loved her."

Tears stream down my face as he's words pierced into my heart. I was hurt that it wasn't me. Why couldn't he even look at me that way.

"When she smiles, her beautiful lips are beyond perception. I'm tempted to kiss those soft lips. I'm tempted to touch her body and make her feel me in dangerous ways but she wouldn't look at me or have such thought because she's in love with somebody else. Is she worth fighting for?"

"It's best you give up on her, Harry. There's no place for you in her heart."

I never knew I sent him leaving with those words.


Tears flow freely from my eyes as I am reminded of the night he left me.

"El, why are you crying?" Harry wipes my face. His touch makes me desperate for him.

"I'm so sorry. You're not a coward. Please don't think you are."

"Oh, El..." He wraps his hands around me. My tears deepens as I think about it.

"Don't think about it. You weren't at fault. What matters is the love I have I for you. Please stop crying." He's hands caress my hair softly.

"I still love you Harry. I never stopped. I don't want this to happen again. I can't live without you."

"I know, El..." Our faces were so close and I could only think of one thing.

"Please kiss me..." I say desperately.

"Finally..." He's lips consumes mine,  making me ache for more. I wanted him to devour me completely.

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