Chapter sixty: Anna's dead

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I was forced into an abandoned house, all filled with webs, looking so unkempt. Has she been staying here? She sat me down and tied me up around a chair. I tried looking at her face. Something felt different but I couldn't see because she was masked.

"I know it's you Anna." 

She took a deep breathe, glaring fully at me, a smirk following.

"No, darling. Anna's dead." She unveiled her masked and God, I wanted to puke. She was me.

Harry's POV

I was worried when I saw only Elena's mom and Sharon step inside the wedding pavilion with worried look in their faces. Where the hell is she?

I went forward to them without exercising my patience.

"Where is she?" I went straight forward.

"Uh...we were going to ask same. There was traffic so we missed her." Sharon says.

"What? You missed her? What the hell is going on? Have you tried calling?" I was losing it. I don't know what I'll do if anything ever happens to her.

"It's not reachable but we'll try again." She replied. I took my phone out and dialed her number constantly.

Elena's pov

I stared at my reflection in shock. How is this possible? What the hell was she thinking? She brought out a cigarette and light it up, letting me to sink all my thoughts.

" is this possible?" I looked utterly shocked and confused.

"Simple question, I had surgery. Now, you know why I have been hiding. Oh, I know there's a lot of questions you're dying to ask me. Don't you worry cause you're getting them all." She lits a cigarette, putting it between her lips.

"You might be thinking, Have I gone mad? No, it just started. So, I was thinking what was the best to do to torture my best friend? I thought and thought and thought. Elena loves Harry so much and Shawn loves Elena so badly. What should be done? Why don't we have two her. And don't get me wrong, getting back with Shawn with this face won't have an effect on you as it will if I'm the one marrying Harry today. What do you think about my story?" She exhaled the smoke on my face knowing fully well I was an asthmatic.

She was a complete psychopath.

"You...'re cra..zy." I tried to breathe.

"Oh my god...shit.. I forget you're asthmatic. What should I do now? Should I let you die? I mean, that's what I want but I got an inhaler here just in case I changed my mind." She smirked.

I tried reaching for the inhaler but my hands were tied. I was losing my breathe.

"Fine, fine. I'll let you have it. I'm not that wicked." I got my balance after she let me have the inhaler. My phone rang loudly, distracting us. A smile played on her lips as she saw the person on the screen. 

"Look who's calling. My soon to be husband." She took the phone from me and answered the call.

"El, have been worried sick about you. Where are you? Are you alright? Please talk to me."

She cleared her throat and tried to imitate my voice.

"Baby, I was caught up in a traffic. I'll be there within a few minutes. And I'm fine, I promise."

She ended the call with a smile. I looked at her with disgust. Is that how I sound like? Ugh..

"What? That's the best you could get." She felt weird. She unzipped her bag and brought out a wedding dress that looked exactly like mine.

"How did you get that?" I was shocked.

"Let's just say I have my way of knowing things." She put it on, looking as gorgeous as I was.

"I don't want to be late for my wedding. I'll see what to do about you when I get back. Not to worry, I'll send you a video of know. It will be fun. I really want to know how he tastes like in you. What I'm I saying? Me, obviously. I'm Elena. Whatever, Bye." She shot the door and opened back.

"One more thing, don't try to think of escaping. Wish me luck." And she was gone. 

Tears rushed down my cheeks without a stop. This was my worst nightmare. There was nothing I could do to stop that wedding, my wedding. Harry wouldn't even notice. There's no one to come to my aid. I was left alone in her game.

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