Chapter 4: Fever

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Elena's pov

I stumbled around the corner, clutching onto a bottle of vodka, trying to drown out thoughts of Harry swirling in my mind. I knew I had to push him out of my head before things took a turn for the worse. My heart belongs to Shawn. I love Shawn so much and I wouldn't ruin it now.

In my haze, a cold hand reached out and pulled me away from my spot. Despite the blur of alcohol, I recognized that familiar scent instantly - it was Harry.

"Harry, I told you to stay away from me. I don't want to talk to you." I slurred, nearly losing my balance.


Harry's pov

Ever since we had that conversation, Elena has been on my mind non-stop. I was confused. Why would she want me to stay away from her? I know she's going through a lot. Her mom was getting a divorce. I thought that explained it but the look in her eyes told me there was something else.

I searched everywhere for her, hoping to have a heart-to-heart conversation with her. Finally spotting her in a secluded corner, my feet hurried over to her. She seemed intoxicated. I reached out to help her up, but she grumbled in response.

"Harry, I told you to stay away from me. I don't want to talk to you." she reiterated firmly, her words piercing through the haze of alcohol.

Her rejection stung, like a sharp jab to the heart.

"El, You're drunk. You're not yourself right now. Let's get you out of here. Shawn's been worried sick about you," I implored, attempting to lift her up gently.

"I'm not drunk okay. Harry, I'm tired okay. I'm tired of playing this game. Just stay away from me please. That's all I ask." she slurred, a mix of weariness and frustration evident in her voice.

"Why do you want me to stay away from you? I thought we were friends."

I questioned, puzzled by her request.

Her response was delayed as she took a sip from her drink, adding to the suspense. "Because..." she trailed off, leaving me hanging.

"Because what? Why the change all of a sudden? El!" I pressed, seeking clarity in her unexpected behavior.

And then, in a moment that caught me off guard, she confessed, "Because I love you!" Her words hit me like a bolt from the blue, her emotions raw as she buried her face in her hands.

"What? Say that again," I demanded, my mind reeling from the revelation. Was she under the influence of alcohol, making her words seem distorted?

"I said I love you," she repeated, planting a kiss on me, a gesture that left me stunned. Despite knowing the boundaries, I found myself unable to resist, reciprocating the kiss with a hunger I hadn't anticipated. It was a whirlwind of emotions, a forbidden moment that I couldn't seem to pull away from. As the intensity of the moment grew, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss, a sobering realization amidst the chaos.

"This isn't right," I managed to halt myself from indulging in the taste of those tempting lips.

"Harry, I'm so..." Her words trailed off as she drifted off to sleep in my embrace, resembling a peaceful slumber of a child.

I carried Elena to Shawn's bedroom, ensuring she was safe and comfortable, a sense of relief washing over me as I saw Shawn's reassured expression.

Returning to my own room, I collapsed onto my bed, the lingering sensation of that forbidden kiss still haunting my thoughts.

The following morning, I was determined to talk to Elena about last night. I wanted to know if she really meant all she said. Shawn was out again on a concert, leaving me to drive El to school. El, in her final year of college, sat beside me in silence as we navigated the morning drive. After a prolonged silence, I cleared my throat, finally mustering the courage to voice the questions that had been tormenting me.

"El...we need to talk." I stated, my tone serious and laden with unspoken emotions.

"Talk about what?" Elena replied, acting oblivious to what I was talking about. A facade that surprised me given the gravity of the situation.

Despite the knowledge that there was a lot  of unresolved issues between us, her denial caught me off guard, leaving me surprised by her clear detachment.

"Last night. What you told me. Remember ?" I inquired, hoping against hope that she retained every uttered sentiment, each word etched in my memory.

""I don't know what you're on about, Harry. You know I was totally wasted last night, but did I something important?" Elena inquired, her words tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

", it's nothing," I responded, my disappointment evident in my tone. Bringing the car to a stop, I watched as she exited the vehicle, leaving me with a whirlwind of unresolved emotions.

"Harry!" Elena snapped at me, her voice cutting through my thoughts like a sharp blade.

I was lost in thoughts.

"What?" I mumbled, abruptly pulled away from my reverie.

"I was trying to talk to you. Seriously, you should find yourself a girlfriend," she teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she playfully nudged me.

"I don't do girls, you know that," I retorted with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood with a hint of banter.

"Whatever," she replied nonchalantly, brushing off my response with a casual wave of her hand.

"Don't forget about the beach bash coming up. It's going to be epic," I reminded her, eager to shift the conversation to lighter topics.

"Yeah, sure. I'll let Anna know. Catch you later. Bye!" El waved before heading off, her carefree demeanor contrasting with the lingering tension between us.

As she walked away, my gaze involuntarily trailed after her, fixating on her retreating figure. A sudden warmth washed over me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was different. Perhaps it was just the summer heat, or maybe... I couldn't help but wonder if I was coming down with a fever of a different kind.

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