Chapter 18: He belongs to me

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I put my ear closely to the door. I had to clear my doubts and suddenly I heard...

"Oh, fuck me baby..... RIGHT THERE." Emilia moaned.

I moved away from the door instantly. I wasn't myself anymore. I took my time breathing as I took in the shock. I didn't realize when a tear or two fell from my eyes. I can't believe he could do this to me. He knew I loved him and he broke my heart purposely.


"You want it this way, baby." Harry's voice was loud enough for me to hear as I stood inches away from the door.

"That's it's baby...oh god!" Emilia moaned.

I couldn't take this all in. I took a bottle of alcohol and went to my room. I was bent on getting drunk.

"Fuck! Baby....Oh god....SHIT! You're so bad baby." Emilia voice echoed from his room. I forgot Harry's room was next to mine and it's just going to make this worse for me. I violently opened the bottle drinking it like some lunatic. I opened a pack of cigarette and light one. I closed my eyes, releasing the pain.

"Suck it hard, Emilia...Oh...that's it. You're doing great..." Harry's voice echoed again and it set me up on fire. Elena was gone....

I was completely drunk as I threw things against the wall. They were too busy to get distracted by the noise I made. I don't know why I'm getting this angry when I know the fact that Harry isn't mine. I belong to somebody else. And it's so wrong loving my boyfriend's best friend but I don't think I fucking care anymore! I just want him. I want HARRY. I want him right now. Not some on another bitch! I should be the one saying those things! HE BELONGS TO ME!

I threw the furniture that had three of us in it against the wall. Harry still never showed up. I guess he never cared about me. I fell on my knees beside my bed crying. I was distracted by my phone ringing. I was about to throw my phone away but my hands came to a halt when I saw the caller ID.


Shawn's pov
Last night....

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Everything felt different. A girl was wrapped around me. Her head on my chest. She felt so comfortable. I knew this wasn't Elena so who the hell was this?

She yawned softly, kissing my chest before lifting her face to mine.

"Oh baby, you're awake." She caressed my cheeks.

"Anna!" I screamed in shock, removing her hands away from my face.

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