Chapter 39: I won't let go

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Elena's POV

I came out of the shadows, close enough for them to see me, feeling so much anger, disgust and hatred. I was clearly disappointed that Anna could do this to me! She was shocked to see me in front of them, just the same as Shawn.

"Elena, I can explain...please." Shawn speaks in fear that I might end things with him but this isn't about him. This is about the slut I call a friend.

"You want to say something cause i'd like to hear why you've being on my boyfriend's ass." I speak so close to Anna with so much anger.

"Oh, definitely. Shawn is mine." She spits, not feeling ashamed at all.

God, I don't how my hand just hit her face.

She laughed, not retaliating.

"You wanted to know the person that I was in love and never loved me just the same way? Yeah, you got me now, Elena. It has been Shawn!"

"What?" I was startled.

"Before you met him, I loved him! When you guys were dating even up till now, I was still in love with him but you..." She pauses, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

"You're just a big time slut using Shawn has your distraction. NOTHING BUT A WHORE!"

"How dare you?!" I spoke in anger, ready to pull out that fucking guts she had.

"Anna, stop this! Elena not here. People are watching." Shawn tried splitting us from fighting.

"I don't care!" I struggled in Shawn's arms.

"It's enough. She isn't worth it." Shawn stops me.

"I'm not worth it?" Anna felt hurt but I just loved it.

"Let's go. Harry needs us." 

"Stay away from us. I don't want to see you." I made it clear to her.

We met back to Harry's ward. He was already about to leave.

"Let's leave. I'm getting sick of the hospital." Harry looks at me, looking so disappointed. I just don't know how to make him understand.

Harry's pov

All I wanted to know was said outside. I heard everything. She's in love with Shawn. This isn't about Anna but Elena. She fought for what's hers and that clearly justifies it. I'm leaving. There's no use of me being here.

"Does Elena know about this?" Shawn asked me as I packed my clothes into my luggage.

"She does but you know she would never be in support of this. So I have to leave before she wakes up."

"I understand. Call me when you get there. I'm going to miss you so much bro."

"Same here." We hugged.

Elena's pov

I woke up from bed. Shawn wasn't here with me. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself first. I walked past Harry's room but retraced my steps. I need to talk to him. He can't leave me.

I knock severally but there was reply. I was getting worried.

"Oh, Harry said I shouldn't wake you up. He left." Shawn spoke.

"I don't understand." Harry wouldn't dare to leave me.

"He left for England. Didn't he tell you?"

"Shit." I cursed. I went back to my room and took my keys.

"Where are you going?! Elena!"

"To get his freaking ass back here!"

I didn't notice Anna coming out of the garage. She drove on her motorbike so I couldn't see her.

I entered into my car and drove as fast as I could. He can't just leave me like that!

There was an incoming truck. I honked and tried to slow down but the brakes weren't working .

"Fuck. Oh god." I honk again but the truck wouldn't stop and I couldn't slow down. I drove into to a ditch to avoid the truck but still I got wounded and fell into a trance.

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