Chapter 38: Friends are your closest enemies.

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Harry's POV

Before the news

I left the hospital, trying as much to conceal my tears but what I felt was immeasurable. She rejected me. No one has ever did. I felt like a lost soul as I walked back into my car. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to go at the moment. The thought of getting wasted for the night came to mind. No matter what she said I wouldn't let go. Not now, never.

I got wasted at the club, taking several shots. Girls taking pictures of me, some flirting with me revealing their cleavage and some inviting me to their widened entrance but I wanted none. All I want is Elena.

I look around in a drunk state. I sighted the guy that made all these happen between Elena and I. Damien. He was taking a video. I couldn't hear what he was saying but he looked excited. I could feel he was up to no good. My phone beeped, distracting me from listening to what the ass hole was saying to his friends.

I looked at my phone with widened eyes. Damien sent me a video of him having sex with Elena. I was filled with rage, so much I couldn't even control. He still wants a piece of me and he's going to get it.

"Hey! Asshole..." I pushed away everything or anything standing in my way until I was in close contact with him.

"Hey, Harry duckling ...." He smiled weakly, a little fear evident in his eyes.

"Did you enjoy the video? Thanks to Elena I got millions of viewers. Isn't it great?" He grinned.

I took him by the collar, pushing him against the wall.

"I'm not new to this but everyone's watching..." He smiles, thinking I won't hurt him but he was wrong. I was going to kill him.

I punched him in the face severally and he bled but still this wasn't enough. He would still keep on hurting Elena and I can't stand it.

He was weak and he couldn't move a muscle. Just as I  took a bottle of alcohol to smash it on him, someone hit me with one making me feel severe pain. My head was spinning and I bled. I feel to my knees, feeling the uncontrollable pain... Flashes of camera making it so much worse. I couldn't think....

A girl pulled me from the floor. I smile as I realized it was the one person I was thinking about.

"It's going to be fine." She says softly, her eyes filled with tears.
All I ever wanted was her.

"El..." I speak but she uses her fore finger to stop me from speaking. I turned next to her and it was Shawn. What was he doing here?

Jade's pov

I pretended like I was fully asleep. Malcolm was shocked to see himself naked on his bed with me.

"Oh god..." He silently stands up, wearing back his clothes. I was surprised that he was going to leave me on the bed like nothing ever happened. He opens the door quietly. I quickly let out a loud yawn so as to stop him.

"Where do you think you're going, Malcolm?"

"Uhh.." He shots the door back, stammering.

"I....I was ...yeah the bathroom. I was going to the bathroom."

"Uh...well the bathroom is that way. That's the exit, Malcolm." I smile at the his foolish idea.

"Oh, yeah...right..Had too much drinking so much that I don't even know how we landed here."

"Yes, I do." I say.

"What? You remember?" He looked confused and surprised.

"We had the best night, Malcolm. You wouldn't just stop staring at me when I undressed and I knew you wanted something."

"I did?"

"Yeah...we had sex."

"Jade...I'm sorry. I was drunk." He apologized.

"Malcom, please don't apologize. It was nothing." Oh it did mean a lot! I just had sex with my ex husband!

"Elena mustn't find out about this." He sits next to me.

Oh oh. The deed was already done.

Elena's pov

We took Harry to the hospital. He was insisting on it but trust me I wouldn't let him go home with untreated wounds. He looked pissed and angry and I knew why. He was angry I got back with Shawn but I just hope he would understand.

"Harry, I know what I did was wrong but we all make mistakes and I regret that mistake. I hope you understand I deserve a second chance with Elena. I love her bro. You know that." Shawn explains himself but it only made Harry more angry.

"Right. Second chance. Everyone deserves a chance El." Harry looks at me with angrily.

"Why don't you guys sort out your differences?" Shawn says but it only made Harry surprised.

"You know what's going on between us?" Harry asks. I give him a sign that it's not what he thinks but Harry wasn't even looking at me.

"You know Elena and I have been..."

"Of course I knew you guys had  quarrelled so please sort it out cause I don't like the way you both stare at each other like zombies." He cuts in with a laugh.

"Oh..." Harry looked disappointed.

"So...sort it out." He kissed me even when Harry was there. I couldn't help but feel like I betrayed him. Shawn left the room and the environment was as silent as a graveyard.

"Harry please..." I wish I could make him understand.

"So you got back with Shawn and ended things with me right?" Harry speaks with so much pain.

"Harry.. I"

"No, honestly. It's fair. I mean, I thought I meant something to you but..."

"You do mean something." I lock hands with him but he rejected it. He was still angry.

"Oh..explain because I think you feel nothing for me."

"Harry, I love you. I swear."

"Then why are you still with him? I don't think I can keep up with this. Just break up with him, El and we get out of this country. Just me and you." He holds my hands, hoping I would say yes to his request.

"Harry, I'm sorry." I say in tears. I do want to leave with him but I feel doing that will just complicate things. He should at least understand.

"I want to be alone please." Harry says, without looking at me.

"But's what..."

"If you're not going to change your mind then get out. I'm leaving for England tomorrow morning."


"Get out!" He says, tears escaping his eyes. I hurt the person I love the most and I can't even do a thing.

I open the door, looking back at him but he would even take a look at me. I caused this to myself. I wipe away my tears and shut the door.

I was going to look for Shawn but he was already with Anna, discussing. Anna looked serious and angry. What were they talking about? I walked further making sure I was not in sight.

"Shawn....please just look at me. Why don't you want to believe me? She's not even what you think she is! Shawn, I love you." She leaned closer to him, trying to kiss him but he pushed her away.

I can't believe this. So all this time, my best friend was my enemy.

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