Chapter 46: Proof

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Harry's pov

Our naked bodies were wrapped around each other. She nuzzles down my chest. She felt safe and assured. It still felt like a dream to finally be with her, spend the night with her, and on top of that, make love to the only girl have ever wanted to my greatest desire. She was my last piece.

I watch her closely like i was doing a job observation, my hands playing into her brown curls. I wish it wasn't morning so i could watch her all day long. I kissed her on the hair and she reacted with a cooing sound. She embraced me more, smiling with her eyes still shut. She kissed me down my chest with a 'good morning'. She was still good at turning me on. I'm not so surprised that her touch always made me weak and subjected. She was my weakness and I'm happy she is.

"You're tempting me once again, El." I whispered, biting my lower lips and trying hard to control my erection.

"What are you going to do about it, baby?" She smirked, getting off the bed. She faced me, showing her beauties, knowing fully well what her body could do to me. I could get a stroke from this.

"Hmmm...don't try me, El. " I warned.

"So now you threaten me, love." She comes back to the bed bringing her lips close to mine. My body pauses, waiting for what's to come but she only grazed my chin, getting off the bed with a smirk. I felt disappointed for her to trick me but couldn't also help but chuckle at her unknown behavior. She's quite a show.

"Don't keep your hopes high, Harry." She wraps herself in a towel, entering into the bathroom. She looks back at me with a smirk still on her face. You messed with the wrong guy, Elena Ryder and I'm coming for you.


"SIR, the witness is here. She claims she has proof. Should we start with the interrogation?" The lady in uniform stands firmly with respect.

"Please do. The Marne's family will do anything to get justice."

"Okay sir." She leaves her boss office.


"No harm's going to come to you. Tell us what you saw."

The young lady questioned doesn't put so much trust in her words but still answers.

"I was planning on spending the night at Amelia's place. I'm a friend of hers. Just as i was about to enter, I heard a scream. That was Amelia's voice but there was a lady in there. She had a gun."

"Have you met her before?"

"No, but i have a short video. I was scared to call anyone, believe me." She brings out her phone, handing it over.

Looking into the screen, they weren't surprised.

"She's the one."


"Let's go out on a date." Harry spoke, almost making Elena choke on her food.

"A date?" I blush. Truly, this is what i wanted but i don't think it's a good idea.

"Yes, our first."

"People will see us and one top of that... I don't think it's a good idea."

"No one will notice us." He assured.

"And how's that possible?" Think again, Harry. A date is out of the box.

"Cause we're going on a disguised date."

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