Chapter 58: You're so..going to regret this, Mr.Styles

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My body shivered as I sighted Harry on the floor unconsciously. I was scared to death. I moved quickly to where he laid, my knees falling on the floor. Turning him over, his body reeked of alcohol. I thought that was all until I saw blood dripping from his fist. Oh no, what were you thinking?!

"Harry, Harry please answer me! Please....Harry." I called but it was effortless.

I had no time to wipe away my tears, while I try putting him on bed.

The bed sheets was stained with his blood. It made me hurt as I saw his wounds. This is all my fault. I stood up to get the first aid kit but he pulled my hand.

"Harry?" I was happy to hear his voice. He's eyes was deem. He couldn't see clearly and i could feel his pain.

"Harry..." I cried, my mouth unwilling to speak.

"I thought you left me. Why did you leave me, El?" His voice fades.

I cupped his cheeks, still in tears and hoping he would stop talking. It made my heartache.

"I..." I try explaining myself but he cuts in.

"Don't you love me anymore? I thought..."

I put a finger over his lips. I didn't want to hear one more word.

"Harry, why would you say that? I do love you. I swear to you."

"I don't know anymore, El. You having second thoughts about our marriage. You might as well leave me. It makes me scared."

My breathe deepens hearing all this. How could I make him believe me? How could I show him how much he means to me?

I stood up, arranging my thoughts. He was waiting for me to speak but I just didn't know what to do at the moment.

"I..i will go get the first aid box alright?"

I left quickly and rushed back to the room, attending to his wounds.

His eyes were fixed on me. He was still waiting for me to speak.

"What should I do to to make you believe that I still love you, Harry." I let out my thoughts.

"Why did you still meet with him when I told you not to. You always listened to me."

"I was scared. I was scared something could happen to us."

He wipes away my tears.

"You worry too much. Lay with me."

"No, you stink." I covered my nose, making fun of him.

He laughs at my words, pulling me to him regardless of what I just said.

"But I can still kiss you can't I, Mrs Styles?"

I blush hearing him call me like that.

"You need to take bath first. I'll wash you up." I say, changing the subject.

"Anything you say, Mrs Styles." His usual smirk appears on his face.

"Can you stop saying that? It's not like we're married yet." My cheeks flush red again.

"Why not? You're my wife, El. Married or not Married. YOU"RE ONLY MINE." He emphasized.

I laugh at his remarks.

"Whatever you say, Husband." I assisted him in standing up since he was still weak and tipsy.

I pull off his shirt, his body full in sight. I tried restraining myself from touching his body. I unzipped his pants, his attention on me.

"Be carefully there, Mrs Grey. I lose it all the time." He gave a cocky smile.

"Don't overthink it. I'm not even in the mood." I'M ALWAYS IN THE MOOD WITH HIM.

"I see." He shifted his gaze from me, letting me pull everything off.

I pulled of my top, my bra still on. I also pulled my skirt slowly revealing my sexy wears. He was set ablaze. I acted like I didn't see his reaction. I pulled my pants off slowly, causing more damage to him.

"I'll join you in the bathroom."

"Oh..yeah." He's eyes still fixed on my body. I wasn't done yet.

I pulled off my black bra, putting it on the bed.

"You're still here?" I turn with a smirk boldly on my face.

"I was about...I was going in." He stammered.

"Oh...I see." I bit my lips hard, feeling so glad I could set him up on fire. You're so going to regret this, Harry Grey.

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