Chapter 37: Someone's Angry

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Elena's POV

I enter into the shower, feeling so tired. I haven't seen Harry since we got back. I really want to check his room but I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore. We can't be close.
I just hope he's alright. Just as I was consumed in thoughts, someone's hands wrap around my waist. just feels like Harry. The way he touched me and formed kisses round my neck and arms, down to my shoulders made me shut my eyes thinking badly on my deadly desires. I just want you right now....His last words struck me deep and I really wanted him to say it again. 'You're mine Elena'

"Ha..rry." I mouthed mistakenly but it was too late to take it back when I realize it was Shawn naked with me in the shower.

Oh my God..

"Wait...what did you just say?" Shawn said, filled with disgust.


"You've got to be kidding me... Have you both been fucking each other at my back. Tell me! I swear..." Shawn grabs my arms tightly, making feel pains... I hadn't fully recovered.

"Shawn no! I swear!"

"Then explain that because you just fucking moaned my best friend's name." Shawn sets in rage.

"We got into a fight at the hospital. I got carried away, I swear! I would never do that to you." Shawn turned his back at me, trying to process what I had just said but his anger fights him within.

"Shawn, I would never do that to you. He's your friend for God's sake! Say something! Shawn!" I stop the shower from running, holding him by the waist.

"I would rather die than to see that happen Elena." He says, slow and calm.

"But it didn't happen." I convince him again.

"I love you Elena. Please know that...and if any one....tries to take you away from me. That day will be the end of his life, regardless of whom it maybe be, I promise you that..." He pulls me closer for a hug, kissing my fore head.

Elena's mom(Jade) pov

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, seeing Malcolm next to me on the bed.

"OH MY GOD." We fucked last night!

I try remembering how it all happened.

'Did you just come to see our daughter?' I ask Malcolm, who was now uncomfortable seeing me.

'Yeah...there's nothing else that's much more important. Is there?' He throws back a question.

'Well...that's up to you Malcolm.'

'You know what, I have to leave. Whatever our daughter is planning it can never work...' Malcolm opens the door, about leaving.

'Can we just go for a drink then? We could talk about our daughter. Nothing else than that'

'Okay. Nothing else than that'.


"Elena! It happened!" I speak on the call, anxiously.

'Mom, relax. What happened?'

'Your dad and I just had sex.'

'Really! You're indeed my mother! So fast!'

'Elena, would you listen to me!' My mom's tone changed speedily.

"Mom, was he excited about it? I know he loves the way you touch him. Caught you guy when I was young though." She giggled in between words.

"Do you realize it's still your mother talking to you?" I shook my head at the thought of her childish behavior.

"Yeah, right."

"So.. the plan." I ask Elena.

"Umm...Just go back to sleep before he wakes up and act like you know nothing about it."

"And how's that helpful at all?" I shook my head against her stupid plan.

"Because dad will be the one panicking." She laughs silently.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later."

I hung up and went back to sleep as I quickly notice Malcolm was waking up.

Elena's POV

I laugh silently, dropping my phone on the couch beside me. I heard Shawn's voice coming from his room like he was pissed off about something. I quickly went to check up on him but he came out of his room with his car keys. Where was he going?

"Shawn, what's wrong?" I got confused.

"Damien is a dead meat. I'm going to kill him I swear!" He's eyes looks at his phone with disgust. I collected from his hands to see what could make Shawn mention the 'good for nothing' And it was perfectly clear. Damien released the sex video.


One million comments:

@XthessaX: she's a such a slut! Bitch!!!

@Shawn'staste: Ass holes like her throws her pussy to the whole fu***ng species. Shawn I'm still up if you want me!!! I love you!

@Shawn'sbaby: Elena's a big time loser! I don't think it's her first time but at least Shawn gets to see who she really is...

I gasped as I see tons of comments of hate towards me. I was in a mess.

Another news feed pops in,


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