Chapter 5: Perfect girlfriend

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Elena's POV

I lied about not knowing about what I said last night and also kissing him. It was my worst mistake and it's never going to happen again. So what I just need to do is to act like nothing ever happened. That what's best.

My friend Anna drove me to her place. Shawn and Harry were picking us soon. Getting ready for bikinis! My friend searches her closet for the right bikini wear but still asking questions and really made me uncomfortable.

"So, spill the tea, you kissed him," Anna questioned, sorting through her wardrobe for the perfect beach attire.

"Like I said, I was drunk." I explained again.

"But deep down, you enjoyed every bit of it, didn't you?" She locked eyes with me, searching for any hint of the truth in my gaze.

"N...N...uh... Quit with the zombie stare," I chuckled nervously, feeling the intensity of her gaze sending shivers down my spine.

"Trying to dodge the question, huh?" She teased, a mischievous glint in her eye as she playfully winked at me.

"Nah, not dodging, just... sidestepping," I quipped, standing up from her bed and running a hand through my tousled dark hair.

"Then spill the beans," she winked again, her playful demeanor keeping the tension light between usShe's totally messing with my head. She's got the answer, so why does she keep on pressuring me like this? Argh!"

"You're turning into a full-on detective now. If you want the scoop that bad, just Google it," I snapped, feeling the frustration building up. Her persistence was really getting to me.

"Elena's all about that kiss, Elena's all about that kiss, but she's too shy to admit it," she sang, twirling around me in circles, adding a playful twist to the tension.

Now she's pulling a full-on toddler move. It's beyond annoying. I never said I was head over heels for the kiss, but... well... maybe just a tad. Who cares! Shawn is way more good at kissing!

We heard a car honk. That was definitely Shawn and Harry. We hurriedly packed our bikinis and other essentials into our bags. As we made our way downstairs, I quickly implored Anna to keep quiet before her loose lips caused a major stir.

"Harry doesn't have a clue that I'm onto him, and Shawn, well, he's clueless too. Please... keep this to yourself," I pleaded.

"Alright, that's a bit of a puzzle, but I've got you. My lips are sealed. Trust me," Anna assured me.

I took a deep breath. Everything's under control. I'm not a cheater or a fibber. I'm the epitome of the perfect girlfriend.

You both jumped in, and I planted a kiss on Shawn. My mischievous boyfriend couldn't resist licking my lips.

"We can save the rest for later," I said, gently holding his face.

"Absolutely," Shawn responded, biting on his lips.

When I glanced back at Harry, there was a certain enigma in his eyes that I couldn't quite grasp. Was he feeling jealous? Nah, that couldn't be it. Even in a parallel universe, Harry would never develop feelings for me.

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