Chapter 2: My missing piece

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I woke up with a loud yawn, scanning the room for Shawn, but he was nowhere to be seen. The memories of the previous night's drunken escapade flooded back, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had done or said something foolish in my inebriated state.

Venturing into the kitchen, I was met with the sight of Harry expertly frying eggs, a sense of familiarity washing over me. It felt like a piece of my past had returned, bringing a mix of emotions and memories flooding back.

"Shawn had to rush out for something urgent. Looks like it's just you and Prince Charming here," Harry remarked with a smile, his attention still focused on the sizzling eggs. The playful banter and ease of his presence added a touch of comfort to the morning, reminiscent of old times.

"I don't see a crown," I snorted, trying to reach for the cereal in the cupboard, only to realize my struggle was inadvertently putting my ass on display. The hoodie I wore provided some cover, but I had forgotten Harry's presence in the room.

Harry's persistent throat clearing only added to my frustration and confusion. I half-expected him to offer assistance, but he remained focused on his eggs, avoiding my gaze.

"What?" I exclaimed, my annoyance palpable.

"Your...never mind," Harry mumbled, his eyes darting back to the eggs, though they couldn't resist sneaking glances at my predicament.

"Damn it, El, I can see your ass," he blurted out, a hint of embarrassment coloring his tone. Despite his attempts to refocus, my unintentional distraction seemed to have thrown him off balance. The tension in the air was undeniable as we navigated this unexpected moment.

"What?" I exclaimed, my frustration mounting at Harry's comment.

"Seriously, your ass," he reiterated, his tone a mix of amusement and disbelief.

Thinking he might be joking, I raised my hands in a defensive gesture, checking if my hoodie inadvertently revealed more than intended. The realization dawned on me, prompting a sheepish "Oh..." as I acknowledged my oversight.

"You're such an idiot," Harry chuckled, the lightness in his voice contrasting with the tension of the moment.

"Harry!" I exclaimed in exasperation as the burnt eggs caught our attention.

"Damn it!" Harry cursed, swiftly turning off the burner and disposing of the charred eggs.

"Who's the idiot now, Prince Charming?" I quipped, folding my arms with a playful challenge in my tone, the banter between us adding a touch of levity to the situation.

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