Chapter 9: Loving my bestfriend's girlfriend

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Harry's pov

I wasn't just going to be that stupid to fall for Damien's trap. I was too smart for that. All Damien wants is to have is revenge by making Shawn and I spilt. Shawn had been my childhood friend, practically a brother; our families were intertwined in friendship. It all changed when Elena entered our lives in fifth grade. The first day I set my eyes on her, I felt a spark going through my body. I was so little then so I never knew what it meant so I let the feeling pass away. Shawn confessed to me that he had a huge crush on her. I could never tell him I felt that way too. So I pushed those feelings away. Knowing that my heart belongs to only one person, I decided not to fall for anyone else expect Elena. Elena was just so beautiful. Her eyes held a depth that drew me in, leaving me spellbound. I yearned to warm her when she felt cold, but Shawn always beat me to it. It was just so hard for me to confess my feelings to Elena. Shawn was always in the way. After I realized Elena and I weren't meant to be together since she said 'yes' to be his girlfriend, I buried those feelings. I tried a lot to control myself but I couldn't just watch to see the girl I have always with another person, not just anyone, my best friend . So, I thought the best thing to do was to leave. Elena's gap year due to illness tugged at my heart; I wanted to be there for her, yet I felt sidelined by Shawn's presence. After finishing college, I thought it was the right time to come back to the states. I thought those feelings were finally gone but still....I'm lost to her every time I look at her. She was a virus that was incurable but I have to try harder not to love her because if I do, then I'm letting hell loose. I backed away from Damien. I didn't want to answer any questions. It was best if I didn't.

"Oh, now you're trying to avoid my questions because you know I'm right." He chuckled, but I paid him no mind, continuing my stride until his parting shot hit its mark.

"Aren't you a scared little duckling. He chuckled. Harry Duckling' has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" Damien prodded, clearly aiming to get me angry.

I retraced my steps and swivel back, the mask of calm slipped off my face, replaced by a storm brewing within.

"What did you just call me?" I said in rage. I had try to keep low of my anger issues but Damien isn't helping and he knows that.

" now what? You're deaf? You know what I just called you. You're nothing but a coward."he taunted, pouring fuel on the fire.

"I've had enough of this." I declared, my fists clenched, ready to beat hell out of him.

"Oh yeah. That's more like it duck!"

took aim at his face, ready to deliver a solid punch, but he deftly sidestepped, taunting, "Sorry, not my pretty face."

In a swift move, he landed a punch to my gut, forcing a groan from me. Determined not to be the coward he called me earlier, I gritted my teeth.

"You know Shawn will realize very soon that you want her on your bed and I can't just wait!"With a flash, I struck him across the face this time.
I already had enough. I kept on hitting him hard.

"Does it hurt so much that your adorable girlfriend Amelia loved Shawn's dick way more than that stuff between your legs called peanut?"With a swift kick to his sensitive area, he let out a pained cry.

"Ow! Not there ass hole." he groaned, doubled over in pain.

"There's no way that stuff is active Damien dumb." I smirked, leaving him to nurse his discomfort. He had it coming.

I made my way home directly, knowing Shawn and Elena would be there, so I didn't bother with a call.

Elena swung the door open, her expression a mix of shock and concern as she took in my bruised face. "What happened?!" she asked, clearly puzzled.

"It's nothing," I replied casually, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge to quench my thirst, trying to downplay the altercation.

"Nothing! Harry who did you get into a fight with this time? It was Damien right?"

"Like I said, it's nothing. You don't have to worry about it. Where's Shawn?" I inquired.

"He went out for a walk." She replied.

"Okay." I was about to make my way to my room when she stopped me.

"What?" I asked.

"This wounds need to be treated and since you insist on doing anything about it, I'm going to do something about it. Stay here. Let me get the first aid kit." She insisted.

"Elena." I grumbled under my breath. She had a way of getting under my skin, but deep down, I like the way she cares.

She swiftly returned with the first aid kit before I could even think of making a run for it. As she tended to my wounds, her hands came close to my lips, creating a strange sensation. An awkward silence settled between us, our gazes locked in a silent conversation. Her eyes lingered on my lips, and my eyes didn't look away from hers either.

In that moment, I wanted to kiss her lips more than ever but I wasn't sure if she would let me. The silence came to an end immediately as the ointment slipped from her hands, clattering to the floor. We both reached down to retrieve it, our heads colliding in the process.

"Ow." She groaned in discomfort.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" I asked, a mix of concern and unease in my voice.

"No, it's fine." She rose swiftly,trying to avoid that moment from happening again.

Glancing at the time, a flicker of concern crossed her face.

"What is it?" I inquired, sensing her unease.

"Shawn should've been back by now. It's 11:30. He never stays out late without letting me know. Something feels off," she fretted, her steps quickening as she paced back and forth.

"Take it easy. He probably got held up with something," I offered, hoping to soothe her nerves, but my attempt seemed to backfire, escalating her anxiety further.

"Calm down?! Harry, are you serious right now?! My boyfriend is out there, and I have no idea where he is, and it's almost midnight. I can't just sit here while the clock keeps ticking," she exclaimed, her hand reaching for her car keys.

"I'll come with you. It's not safe out there," I interjected, rising to join her.

"I'll be fine," she insisted.

"I'm coming with you, and you can't stop me," I asserted firmly.

"Okay, fine. If that's what you want, then I'm all good."

As we entered the car, I couldn't argue about her driving, but a nagging worry of my body found dead in the middle of the road.

Loving my boyfriend's bestfriend /H.S/Where stories live. Discover now