Chapter 47: Save me

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Shawn's pov

I fell on the bed tiredly. I honestly didn't wish to come on such trip but my manager is so good at convincing. I scroll on some messages on my phone. I didn't get any message from Elena and i miss her badly. A call came in, an unknown number. That was weird.

"Hello?" I spoke, waiting to hear the caller's voice.

"Hello, baby."

"Elena, is that you?" I asked, unsure.

"Oh, c'mon. Does she call you that way? Think again, baby." There was obviously a smirk on the caller's face.


"Oh, finally. Took you long."

"You fucking bitch."

"'re totally right about that part but don't you forget it was this same bitch that you fucked. Yes, you fucked me and i enjoyed it and that makes us...?" She waits expecting me to complete her sentence but she was sure I wouldn't.

"Very well then, Fucking bitches!" She laughs and that made me uncomfortable.

"What do you want?"


"Where are you right now?"

"At your door."

"I'm not home."

"I'm not at your house either."

I stood up from the bed, hoping it wasn't what i thought it was. I opened the door and heaved a sigh. She was here all along.

"Oh god, baby." She said to me, half naked. I shut my eyes, running my hands into my hair wildly but i opened my eyes, making a decision.

"Come here you little brat." I grabbed her by the waist wildly, bringing her close to me and gave her a long lasting kiss. She used her heels to lock the door, giving me a seductive smile. Oh god, i can't stop what I'm doing.

I carried her up, her legs around my waist. My eyes comes in contact with her breasts and runs me wild. What the fuck did you do to me, Anna?

I put her on the bed, thinking again on what I'm about to do.

"Trust me, Shawn, there's nothing to regret."

"She pulled off her lace bra, setting me on a wild fire.

"You're such a bitch." I pushed her to lay low on the bed, taking a foil packet from my pocket and ripped it open. I pulled off my jeans, tempted to go inside her.

"Yes, I am."


"Harry, Ha..rry. I don't want to do this again. I'm going to die." Elena said, wishing she could get down from the ferris wheel but she was rather too late.

"This is going to be fun." I smirked at her.

"This is no joke. I'm going to di.....e....!" The wheel had started spinning before she knew it and Harry laughed away.

"I'm... Kr...ill you!" I screamed out of my lungs. I have always been scared off this thing ever since i was little. I hated it so much!

"I know!!!" Harry held my hands, giving me a little strength. If not, i would still be looking for my heart.

"Wooo..." Harry screams. I roll my eyes at him and he looks at me with a lustful grin.

Finally! After fifteen minutes of torture i was finally let free.

"Am i still alive?" I asked, not making a move from my seat.

"Yes, my body is still intact." Harry speaks.

My eyebrows creases at his last statement.

"I..mean your body, my body." He spoke childishly making me let out a little mommy smile.

"Now, get down from it, before you go for a round two.

"I'm com..." I could feel the wheel was moving.

"Too late."

"NO....,no,no,no. Harry save me!!!"

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