1 ~ Heroine Intro

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Tae P.O.V:

I dunno but I feel so happy~~

I think my life gonna change from this moment..

Yeah because winter start, vacation start, and my birthday is coming. Every birthday I feel like "I'm growing, I'm a big man now, I can do whatever I what".

I hate to wake up in the early morning from my comfy bed. But I have to wake up so that we can catch the flight correct time.

"Tae babe, come on wake up now, its time leave, come on quick quick get up.." my eomma sweet voice tried to wake up me but I rolled over my bed to another side.

"Eommaaa, please 10 more minutes I didn't sleep well last night" I said without thinking while pulling eomma to morning huggie, yeah I can't wake up without my eomma warm huggie it's my habit you can say its addict too

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"Eommaaa, please 10 more minutes I didn't sleep well last night" I said without thinking while pulling eomma to morning huggie, yeah I can't wake up without my eomma warm huggie it's my habit you can say its addict too.

"How many time I told you to stop playing over time, if I find out your playing that stupid Mario game again then no more morning huggie!" eomma said slowly kissing on my cheeks.

"No eomma please, hereafter I won't play overtime, I swear" I said hugging tightly.

"That's, my babe, come let's go down your appa, hyung and noona everyone is waiting for you" eomma ruffled my soft hair and kissed on my forehead.

I went downstairs after complete my routine morning duties.

"Appaaaaaaa" I run to my appa and give tight huggie and showing everyone's weak point my rectangle box smile and sat on the sofa appa beside.

"Hi sweetie, come let's eat" while someone tapped my back shoulder.

"Hey taetae, where is my hug?"

"Nope " I said in a serious tone.

"Why?" noona face changed into a sad pout.

"Last night I asked you to buy one thing but you didn't, so no huggie from taetae!" I turned my face into the other side.

"I'm sorry taetae I didn't mean to you, its eomma's order! What I do?"

"I don't care I want my ice cream" I said with the still serious tone.

"When we will arrive there I take you to the shop and one more surprise is waiting for you." she whispered in my ears.

"Jinjja?" I asked and my eyes widened I love surprises.

"Yeah, Now can I have my hug?"

"Hmmm , sure noona" box smile with a sweet hug.

"What is the secret, guys? Can I also joint?" my hobi hyung entering the living room and sat with us.

"No!" me and noona said unison.

"If you also give me a surprise then I let you joint hyung" I said with excited

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