17 ~ Condition

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Yoongi P.O.V:

I know uncle already started their detective work. Now he just wants to know what is guk condition that's why we arrived his office.

"Did he know anything?"

"No uncle he just guessed 90% it's not an accident. And he just remembered when he was tried to get out from the car, the broken glass teared his stomach. He don't remember who hits on his head, even he doubted if he got hitting from someone that time".

"hmmm, I see. The person who made my guk like this now he was dead in his house"


"Someone killed, we have to find out who that fucking bas**d tried to touch my guk. I want to kill him on my own hands"

I never ever saw my uncle this much of temper. This is the first time in Jeon family history someone goes this level.

"Don't worry uncle he already come and opened his hell door for voluntarily. By the way uncle guk said that day he was on the way to urgent business"

"Yes that fuckers are waste they don't know about anything. They just did what that bas**d told. Even they don't about his name. So I killed them"

I am so shocked! Killed?!


"Then no one will try to touch my family. Here is that bas**d details from what I researched"

"Okay uncle" I went out of the room.

I took my phone and dialed.

Ringing.. Ringing.. Ringing..


"I will send someone details, try to catch him immediately"

"Okay sir"

Call ended.

I went to my office and start my work.

**time skip**

Alarm sounds 4:00 pm.

"4 o'clock, I am so tired of this fucking paper works" yawning stretched out my body.

I took my phone and dialed.

Ringing.. Ringing.. Ringing..


"Hey chim, What you doing?"

"Waiting for tae wake up"

"He is sleeping now, not getting ready? It's already 4 o'clock!"

"He didn't sleep all night, the whole nights he kept crying, shouting, hitting us, and he broken some things too. No one sleep, it's all because of you guys"


"You guys just let him know about guk car accident.."

"This is not just a accident someone tried to kill him"

"WHAT? Who?"

"Dunno we are trying to find that bas**d, Okay we don't have time get ready quickly"

"Okay bye yoongi"

"Bye chimmy"

Tae P.O.V:

"I hate you"

"No you love me"

"I.HATE.YOU, you don't know the meaning of hate?"

"Then prove it, you are hate me"


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