87 ~ Fever

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Hi my dear readers, I also had a fever 🤒 that's why my update delayed 😞, sorry and thanks for your cute messages 😘 . I am so happy to know that you all waiting for my updates 🤗💜🙈. And very big thanks for 200 followers 😍

 And very big thanks for 200 followers 😍

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~ Sin 💜



10:36 am.

Guk watching the clock impatiently, he has to attend the video call meeting at 10:45 am. He already told to jihyo that he can't come to the office like usual timing hereafter, so she should have to balance his work with yoongi and others. She should call him only if anything very important that he only can handle it.

He doesn't want to piss his lolita because tae clearly told that he wants to see his face when he wakes up. Guk urgently wants to attend the meeting before he wakes up. Tae lying position makes him very hard to push him away. He wishes tae would wake up or move a little bit but his deep sleeps telling him that he won't wake up now. And he noticed that tae smiling in the sleep while puts his hands on guk's nape pulls him closer.

💭 Are you in dreaming, lolita? Am I in your dream? Of course, I am the one who else could be?! 💭

Guk slowly turns right side so that tae's leg could fall, but tae whines and put back his leg on guk's waist pulls him closer by it.

💭 Am I in your dream, lolita? Of course, I am the one who else could be?! 💭

"I won't let you go, idiot" he whispers in the sleep.

Guk staring at him for minutes trying to find out is he really sleeping or playing.

💭 It doesn't looks like he's playing 💭

Tae hugs him tightly, Guk gasps when he felt his lolita cute little hard member touching him.

💭 You little sinner, what are you dreaming? What I am doing now to make you hard this hard? 💭

"This idiot could move very dangerous moves to you lolita" guk cups tae cheeks very softly and rubbing smoothly, in the curious of what his lolita dreaming about.

Tae took his fingers and puts into his mouth in sleep and starts to suck it. Guk lost his control he grips tae's hip in one hand and pulls him close "You started it lolita".

Tae P.O.V in his Dream:

My idiot hasn't give me a single glance just his full focus on the dish. I even don't know the dish name but I could say it would be the delicious dish by the smell. He kept moving here and there to put the ingredients, the kitchen is already hot but his sweats on the body made him hotter. I am sitting on the counter a few meter distances from him. He was the one puts me here when I continuously disturbed him. When I was about to get down, I noticed that he's searching for something then walks towards me, I smiles at him as sitting on the counter comfortably. He comes closer and leans on me slowly take his hands up, I moved back slightly as my heartbeat going crazily. His hand crossed over me and I heard cupboard opening sound I glared at him he smirked return and leans onto my ear "Be patient, lolita" said seductively and sent shivers all over my body, then glance at my eyes with something new feeling "I am not going anywhere, you can have me how much you want, but after breakfast okay? I know about your little tummy" he hits my nose with his nose lightly, I whines when I miss his warmth, when he is about to turn I grabs him by his waist and pulls him back "I won't let you go, idiot" I hugs him tightly "This idiot could move very dangerous moves to you lolita" he cups my cheeks very softly and rubbing smoothly, it's totally against what he said just now. I took his fingers and puts into my mouth starts to suck it as shows my answer in actions. He grips my hip in one hand and pulls me close, I smiles in victory "You started it lolita" he leans and make me onto lay down on the counter, and I welcome him gladly by pulling him closer. He starts to kisses on the neck and sucking it, unconsciously I pulled up my body and starts to move on his stomach he groans as sucking on neck harshly, I feel so damn good. His hands moving down to play with my sharp nipples while kissing hotly and replied back immediately. He lifted my one leg up, I gasped in the kiss when something hard hitting on my private clothed area, I tighten my grip around his waist but now he lifted my other leg as well as. He puts his tongue into my mouth and did some magic took me to another world.

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