82 ~ Surprise

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Once they reached the beach guk slowly puts him down and said with an excited tone "Tadaaa" pointing at his surprise and he was ready to get hits from his lolita.

Tae mouth opens in anger and shock "Is.. is this your surprise idiot?" guk nods slowly.

"Your acts matching just as I call you, IDIOT" tae gritted his teeth

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"Your acts matching just as I call you, IDIOT" tae gritted his teeth. Guk grins and matching with that.

"You just go and die alone, don't pull me into this. You and your stupid surprise" tae cursed and turns to walk towards the house, but it was stopped by guk grip.

"I know lolita, you hate it but please try it for me?"

Tae snapped it "Why should I have to take risk my life for you?"

"Because I want you to enjoy your life with all the things in this world"

"There is a lot to enjoy in my life idiot but not this if you want to know ask me I will give you a list. Don't try to impress me with these kind of stupid things" before tae walks to house turns to jet ski and kicked it in anger "Ahhhhhh" he sat on the sand as caressing paining toe, whined like a baby "My cute toe get hurt it's all because you idiot" take sands and throw on him, but the wind twisted and made it fell on him. Tae closed his eyes starts to sob slightly with pouty lips. Guk can't help smiles at his cute lovely lolita who's acting like a baby.

Guk kneels down and cups his face "I have another surprise lolita" smiles at him warmly, but that does not help who glaring at him.

Tae snapped his hands and pushed him away make him fall back on the beach sand, he sat on his stomach and clenched his shirt "Stop it here, stop it your stupid surprises. First you kidnapped me here then you refused to go back Seoul, yesterday only I told you clearly that I hate to travel on the beach and today you purposely bring this stupid.." guk cuts him "Let's go" his smiles already faded when tae mentioned a kidnap word "What?" tae confused by guk's sudden mood change. Guk lift him and puts beside then gets up "We're going to Seoul now as you wish" said in a low voice and heads to house while took his mobile and dialed, left his lolita who is an urge to cry with pouty lips.

⏮ time skip @ a few minutes later ⏭

"I won't come" tae said while tightens his grip on the bed's edge, guk sighed and leave tae's hand.

"This is what you asked, now I am giving don't play come quietly"

Tae shook his head fastly "I want to stay here now, please I am sorry for what I said"

"No need to say sorry, you said nothing wrong let's go"

Tae shook his head again "No you are mad at me"

"No, I am not"

"Then why.. why did you stop me calling lolita from that incident?" tae eyes are an urge to cry.

"That's not 10th rule in your agreement taehyung?"

"Stop itttttttttttt" tae yells and closes his ear to not want to hear his name from him, he hates to hear it. He wants to hear the way of guk calling him with love "I already told you to do whatever you want" tae gets closer to him with puppy eyes, but guk backed away.

"This is what I want now taehyung, so can you come quietly?"

"So that agreement was true, you married me for your business?" tae let out his tears in anger.

Guk closed his eyes for a few seconds then opened it with a deep breath "Yes, we married for business, only for business. I never ever lov.." tae stopped him by the slap "Idiot" he said between his trembling lips and get out of the room runs towards the jet without him.

💭 Why our love is complicated, lolita?! 💭


Please don't hate my lolita 🙏 Please don't hate my idiot 🙏 Ahhh hmmm?!!! it's okay you can hate me 🙏 but don't them 🙏🙏🙏 it's their reality of this story. Guk is a type of person who can't control his anger sometimes. Lolita is the type of person who can't understand others feeling easily. I hope these 81 chapters already gets you to known very well about lolita's character. I want to add some spicy moments in their marriage life 🤗 that's why 🙈 

 I want to add some spicy moments in their marriage life 🤗 that's why 🙈 

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~ Sin 💜

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