83 ~ Fights

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I tried to release this chapter on July 14 which is special day for taekookers (taekook kiss day and lolita & idiot wedding day) but I am failed sorry 😢 anyway let's celebrate as all day taekook day 😆💜🤗

I tried to release this chapter on July 14 which is special day for taekookers (taekook kiss day and lolita & idiot wedding day) but I am failed sorry 😢 anyway let's celebrate as all day taekook day 😆💜🤗

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~ Sin 💜


Tannie P.O.V:

I'm playing with my new toy's in my new room. In eomma's home, they did not give me a separate room, but here my appa's home they give separate and large room for me, the most important thing is countless toy's. Even if I play 10 toys per day, most of the toys left by untouched. But don't worry my dear toys I will play with you all. In the middle of my playing time I sniffled my parents smell suddenly then followed by some noise. My legs are urge to go and see them, but my anger stopped it. How dare they left me, I dunno who are they. I'm gonna divorce them. And stay in this house forever.


First guk enters his house then tae enter follows by him. Both kept silent not talking to each other from that moment.

"Guk?!!! Why are.." yoona was about to go to guk but stopped and go to his behind when sees tae coming his behind "Hey my cutie, I thought he would not bring you here for months" she cups tae face who is pouting sadly "Awww why my babe looking sad did he do something against your wish? Yah jeongguk come here" yoona shouts at the person who is not stopping and walks towards his room, yoona gaze changed immediately onto tae with worries, when she felt tae's tears on her held hands on his face "Ohhh my babe why are you crying?" Hugs him and rubs on his back softly "I.. I did nothing mom, but he.. he was mad at me and told me a meanie things" tae said between his sobs and hide the actual story, yoona wipes his tears "I will kick his ass for makes my babe cry. Have you eaten?" tae shook his head "He didn't give any" he lied again, "WHAT? He gonna die today, come babe first you have something" yoona drags him into the kitchen.

Tae P.O.V:

Mom left me in the kitchen and gave me a bowl of noodles. I lied to her, because I want that idiot to get punished. Once I finished the half bowl of noodles I come out at the same time mom came back with my idiot, he changed his dress into suits, that means he's going out. I glared at him, who doesn't consider me as I am here.

"Bye mom" he said and walked towards the door "Bye guk, I will let you go only once but don't continue.." mom stopped when noticed my glare "I will kill you when you come back, don't even think I will let you go after what you did you my babe" now he turns and noticed me, with a sigh he left and mom comes to me "Did you finish the noodles babe?" before she cups my face, I snapped it anger "You have not had a fight with him?" "I did, as I said I kicked his ass out that's why he is going out you saw that just now" "Yeah, I saw and heard 'Bye guk' too" before mom say "When I will go to my home?" mom looked at me with shocking face "Huh?! This is your home babe" she gulped "What?"

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