91 ~ Silent Love War

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Borahae 💜

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Borahae 💜

~ Sin 💜



⏮ Day 2 @ morning time ⏭

Tae wake ups as rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning stretching the lazy body, he misses the guk's warmness. He lifts his head to see him but he met only empty sofa. Tae face immediately changed into sad at the same time cute pouts, he rolled over while hugging the pillow which was given by his gukkie yesterday.

💭 Gukkie I already miss you damn much, you didn't miss me? IDIOT 💭

"What's the time now?! Where are you" tae mumbled and gets up from the bed with the blanket covered from his head to toe.

The winter season is going to start soon, but they all felt like it started already. When tae was about to get out of the room he heard his phone ringing. He walks towards it very lazily with a little bit of irritation, because now he wants to see his gukkie face not in the mood to talk to anyone. But his face lit up by sees the caller ID 'Mom' tapped the green button and placed his phone into the blanket covered ear. In his excitement he didn't notice the small sticky notes.

📝 I'm in Gym 📝

Guk hasn't slept the whole night, he missed his lolita's warmth badly, his body arching to hold the sleeping angel into his muscle arms, but he can't! So he passed the night with the staring beauty. When the sun enters into their room he gets up and closes the curtains. He misses his basement Gym so much, because of his lolita he stopped spending too much time there. He glanced at the clock it shows 7:12 AM, he knows tae won't wake up that quickly. So he planned to go there. He grabs the sticky notes and write it where he will be, in case if tae wake up! Guk believes he won't! But the important one he forgets that in this home no-one shows the basement Gym to the who new into this biggest house!

"Mommmmmmmmmmmm I miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu" yelling through the phone to make sure his message going straight to her heart.

"Awwwwww I miss my babe too" yoona flying her kisses in the air to reach him someway.

"Mom, when will you and dad come here" tae asks with a small whines and pout, yoona clearly images how tae face now would be.

"Cutie, it's just a few days passed. Still we have weeks.." yoona stops for seconds in confusion then continues "Where is your husband, babe? Is he at home or office?" asked with a serious tone at the same time keeping it low for tae as don't want to scare him.

"I dunno, mom" tae said with a low voice while searching his husband all over, but it's enough to make her ready to punch her stupid son through the phone.

"Babe wait mom will face call you now" yoona says and ended the call quickly to see tae's face, in other side tae nods with the blanket not knowing that call ended.

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