23 ~ Playing in Office

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**after playing with water**

Yoongi P.O.V:

Me and jimin come here for that b***d he was bugging me last few days. Few hours before he was came to my home and just repeat the same word again and again like crazy guy 'I ruined our precious moments, Why did I do that? at least I should talked with eomeonim before I select that place. Aishhhhhh'.

But see here, his lolita did not care a fuck about him and playing happily.

"Yah, tiny"

He is playing happily with my chim. He is little bit far from me so, he didn't hear my voice.

"YAHHH, ASS.." someone hits on my head forcely.

'Who is that fu..' "Don't ever try to call my babe like this" suddenly he caught my ear and screwed it "Ahhh" "and even don't speak any bad words in front of him. If I saw that again then I will cut your dick. Mind it".

I crunched my teeth "Okay, I won't" he let go I rubbed my ear "Aishhhh so much of eomma son drama" I mumbled "I can hear you" "Hello Mr. Kim Namjoon & Mrs. Kim Seokjin's second son Mr. Kim Taehyung, can I talk to you personally" I shouts from here and looked at his eomma sideways  .

"Much better" he said while drinking his juice.

That tiny and my chim ran towards me.

"Did you called me?"

"I want talk to you personally"

"If that about my gukkie then I am sorry" he said with smile.

'How?! How can he smile like that?'

"Tae why are you.." "Jiminie hyung please don't talk about him" "tae.." "Hyung please leave this topic" he said and went inside without waiting for us 'How dare he'.

I grabbed my chim's hand "We are leaving now" I bowed at them.

"Both of you fully soaked, just change.." I cuts jin "It's okay Mrs. Kim".

I dragged my chim to the exit "Yah, why are you acting like this?" without saying anything I pushed him inside the car.


Tae took shower and changed his dress.

"Eomma where is jiminie hyung and that grandpa?"

"Stop call him like that tae, that is not a good behaviour"

"Then he is only have rights to call me like that ah?"

"Day by day you are going worst tae, you won't listen your eomma. If your being like this then I gonna cancel this application and you will be continue your studies as usual in home" jin shows the application forms.

Tae eyes widen, took that application form from his eomma "Eommaaa" he jumped on his eomma and kissed on jin's cheek "I love you, eomma" jin smiled and hugged him.

"Where is jiminie hyung? I wanna tell him first"

"They went to their home"

"I am sure that grandpa only forced him, cause jiminie hyung promised me after he took shower he will play with me and tan-ah. I wanna smash that grandpa"


"Okay okay i won't call that grandpa again as a grandpa, but that grandpa.." jin glared at his son "oops I called that grandpa again and again as a grandpa" tae said innocently and put his index finger on his mouth.

"Give that application form to me" jin tried to took that from him, but tae backed up and hide that form behind him.

"No, I already told that I won't call that grand.."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" jin yelled at him.

"Appaaaaaa" tae runs to find his appa.

**two days later**

He dialed jimin number nth time "Your dialing number is switched off" systematic voice replied again. He sighed and threw his phone on the bed.

"Why his phone is still switched off tan?"

"awv awv"

"Have I done anything wrong?"

"awv awv"

Tannie P.O.V:

'Eomma I miss appa' "awv awv"

**next day**

"Hyung" tae called his hobi hyung.

"Yes tae?" hobi replied while getting ready.

"Do you want any help?" tae asked politely.

Hobi sighed "What you planned to do with me this time tae?"

Tae grinned "Nothing much hyung just take me out".

"Tae I am going to the important business meeting".

"Please hyung, I won't do anything this time. Trust me."

Last time when hobi took him to the office, he didn't let anyone to work when hobi was in meeting. He went to the every cabin thereated all of them to play with him. He don't like office, but he doesn't have any other options. Cause of his strict eomma.

"You don't like business or business people, then why don't you go play with your tan-ah?"

"Noona took him for a walk to the nearby park"

"Why you didn't go with them?"

"I.. I.." tae thinking "Ahhh I want to meet rose noona I miss her lot"

Rose is namjoon's secretary. She is the one only person who tae likes in business people, apart from his family.

"No tae I can't.." "please" tae shows his cute puppy face.

"Okay fine".


"Eomma tae wants to come with me I will take care of him, bye" hobi said and rushed to the car don't want hear his eomma's yell.

"Yah, you forget what he did in last time" jin yells and comes out from the kitchen

Tae tiptoes to reach the door, jin saw that "Yah tae stop right.." tae speed up "Bye eomma, take care" he did the flying kiss to his eomma, then runs to hobi's car.

"Go Go".

"Yahhhh" jin follows tae "next one month no video games, no ice cream, no huggie nothing I won't give anything" yells at the running car.

"Yahhhh" jin follows tae "next one month no video games, no ice cream, no huggie nothing I won't give anything" yells at the running car

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This is normal for hobi and tae. Because jin never ever allowed to tae go out and he don't know how to drive. If he want then he will go with him or hobi or his appa.

**at hobi's office room**

"Tae don't never ever go outside you already promised me, okay?"

Tae nodded "Nae hyung, I just sit here and playing the video games quitely. You don't worry hyung" shows his box smile.

"I hope you won't do anything, already one punishment booked. I don't know what will eomma planned for me this time. Okay just play here quietly rose noona will be here in few minutes, appa called me already I have to go now".

"Don't worry about me hyung, you just go. Bye Bye. Hwaiting" tae cheered up his hyung. Hobi smiled and ruffled his babe tae's hair.

Tae watches his hobi went out. And took his phone dialed "I am ready".

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