72 ~ Hospital

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"I am your husband"

"Wait a minute" tae took away his phone from ear and checking it, then he placed it again "It's my phone, I have not save anyone in 'My Hubby' the weird ID. Who are you?"

"Lolita, stop playing. What I did this time you play like this?" jeongguk asked with little giggle, his voice is still calm and steady, he thought his lolita is playing with him.

Tae let out a huge sigh in irritation "Look mister first of all, I.NOT.YOUR.LOLITA. And the second thing is I.AM.NOT.A.MARRIED.GUY. So I can surely say that YOU.ARE.NOT.MY.HUSBAND" tae yells in confusion and anger.

"First you are MY.LOLITA. Second we're not yet MARRIED. Third, even though we're not yet married I.AM.YOUR.HUSBAND"

"IDIOT" tae ended the call.

"Hello, hello, lolita" he took out the phone from ear staring at the wallpaper on his phone.

"Hello, hello, lolita" he took out the phone from ear staring at the wallpaper on his phone

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"What happened to you lolita?"

At the same time jin entered tae's room "Eommaaa, why am I here?"

"You don't remember what happened to you babe?" he shook his head.

"It's okay, then don't try to remember just leave it, now you are fine. That's enough babe" chu on his head and hugs tightly.

Namjoon and hoseok burst open the door and stand in front of them with heavy breaths "Taehyung are you.. Are you fine" "Taehyung babe are you okay?" both asked unison between that heavy breaths "Yeah, yeah, I am totally fine. But what happened to you both? Are you okay? Need water?" tae asked "Yes please" again both said unison "tsk tsk tsk I dunno who is patient here" jin chuckled at tae's response.

"Taehyung.. Taehyung" jennie entered with tannie as same like how hoseok and namjoon entered.

"Slow slow slow noona, here take some water first. I dunno why you all come here for nothing" tae gave water bottle to her "awv awv" at the same time namjoon "This is all because of your eomm.." namjoon stopped in shock, hoseok, jin and tannie staring at tae in surprise, jennie choked her water, they all surprised by tae the way of called his son "Hey puppy, you look so cute"

⏮ time skip @ 1 hour later ⏭

"Gianna, please tell me what happened to my son? Why he can't remember tannah?" jin pleaded with small sobs. Namjoon and jin in Gianna's room in front of tae's scanning reports.

"Jin don't get panic" gianna took a deep breath before talk "As I already told someone triggered him to go to that prohibited area and locked him, then they spread some chemical reaction in the full room it's affected him slightly, that's why he forgets some recent incidents"

"Recent incidents?" both asked unison.

"Yeah, from tae's response it seems he forgets only recent incidents. He remembers hoseok and jennie marriage but he doesn't remember their recent anniversary party. And sorry to say this he forgets His love too, the Jeon Jeongguk and their family" gianna said in worry tone, just a few hours before only he talked to her about his full love story, now he can't remember a single thing.

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