40 ~ Waiting

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Yoongi P.O.V:

"Yah punk, if you do not open this door now then I do not hesitate to break this piece of ass door" I yelling from the outside of 10 minutes god damn what he is doing?

I looking around "When did he bought this Island? Nice place to hide from that ugly world tho. Surrounded by the beach then little forest then centre of the small house with a small nature swimming pool. Hmmm he has some nice taste" I clapped my hands "Yes I found it" I went to the back door "If this is also locked you are gonna die, Jeon Jeongguk" thank god he didn't lock it.

"What the fuck is this?" I can't see one proper thing, everything everything smashed, my praises all wasted this is not a home this is HELL.

"Yah Guk, where the hell are you?" I yelled at from the hall, no response. Probably he is in upstairs. I run to the upstairs room. I opened one of the room, the room full of covered by dark. "Guk, are you here?" "Hyu.. hyung" I sighed in relief when I heard a very thin voice come from the air. I took my phone and tapped the torch button, switch on the lights.

I saw the bunch and bunch of alcohol bottles around him. He is not a drunk guy 'Why? because of that tiny?! That tiny is waiting for you in your room for the days and here you look likes a lifeless person, tch. At least I should've stopped you from the beginning' "But how the hell I know! That you could be kissed that tiny from the cafeteria to the car parking area. You should control your temper and jealous".

"Yes.. yes hyung. You are corr..ect. I.. I should control every..everything.." he struggled in his words and drink the half bottle of alcohol.

"So still you are alive, I don't need to call the uncle for extra body gourds. You can walk right? Get up and follow me before I kick your ass" he didn't move one inch and stared at that tiny of big picture on the wall.

"Yah, I said get up" I can't lift this bodybuilder.

"How.. how is he hyung?" he sipped his drink.

"Who?" I know who he asked I am not dump.

"My.. My lolita" I saw his eyes, it's full of red and black circle around it shows clearly he didn't sleep for enough. He didn't blink his eyes on the picture. I sighed and sat on the floor beside him, leaned my back on the bed's end.

"He is waiting for your arrival"

"WHAT?" he looked at me shock face.

"See guk, I don't know what happened between you and tiny. But I am damn sure that you both of can't live without each other" I said in a soft voice.

He stayed silent and stared back at that tiny photo, sipped his drink again.

"I want to hold him always in my hands hyung, I don't want to leave him for a single second. But he asked me for fucking 6 months time period for the marriage hyung. I trusting my lolita and I trust on my love our love hyung, but I don't trust this fucking world hyung. He is too innocent hyung, you already saw that one bastard entered our life and a few days ago one more bastard entered as a label on a close friend, to be honest I am afraid hyung, afraid of him. Somewhat in my corner of heart I felt insecure, if I lose my lolita. So I tried to hold him to me but it always ended with I was hurt him" he said and gulped the balance of alcohol.

"It's normal in love life guk, even when I and jimin were in America. We both are fights a lot for every small small things. I as well as felt insecure about jimin, the thought of he might let go of me sometimes. At that time I showed my love in another way it ended with fight or made him cry. Then I started to spend my more times with him and allow to take some decision by himself and gave more importance to him and trusted him and gave full freedom, actually not full but enough to enjoy himself. You don't need take this my advice just I shared my experience with you, guk.

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