37 ~ First Day

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Park seo joon entered the school he saw that tae walking lonely towards his classroom.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung"


"I am a new body gourd assigned by Mr. Kim Seokjin today, he has an urgent meeting so he can't able to pick up, so he told me to pick you up now"

Tae P.O.V:

Why eomma suddenly send body gourd here. Even though eomma behaviour strange today.

"But I have classes now and eomma told me that he will come to pick me up" I said in confuse.

"I have voice notes from Mr. Kim Seokjin" he played the voice notes on his mobile.

^Hey babe, suddenly urgent meeting came up, so I can't able to pick you up now and my phone will be in switch off. I sent you one trustable bodyguard he will pick you up come with him. Okay babe?^

I give back to him. "Okay, I need inform to jiminie hyung, please wait here" I runs to jimin's classroom, I saw that he already in his classroom. I write it on notes that I going early and put it on his locker.

"Mr. Kim Seokjin told me to buy ice cream for you"

"Heyyyyyyy" I ate my ice cream happily in few seconds I feeling dizzy.

Park Bo Gum P.O.V:

I saw my cutie, cutely lying on the bed.

"Do you think that namjoon will agree to give his business to us?"

I turned to look at park seo joon "He can do anything for his precious son".

"Hmmm, he looks so beautiful"

"He gonna be mine" I groaned.

"Cool buddy, I just said he looks beautiful".

Ringing Ringing..






"I am going to America now, I will back be back soon, meanwhile keep him safe and don't know anyone that he is here and don't fucking try to touch him, understand?"

"Okay, okay"

**time skip after two days**

Park Seo Joon P.O.V:

"Aishhhhh it's already two days, it's going very bored. I can't wait for one second hereafter" I took my mobile and dialed namjoon's number.

Ringing.. Ringing..

"Hello buddy, do you miss your son?"

"Who the hell you are? You fucking b***d where is my son? Where are you?"

"Cool buddy, come alone to this address ##### #####"

I ended the call.

"I can play this game lonely Bo Gum".

Ringing.. Ringing..

"Hey buddy, where are you?"

"I am on the way"

"When you come here you will see my surprise"

"you better keep shut and wait until I arrive, don't mess up anything and keep away from my taehyung"

"He is sleeping very well with our drugs help"

Call ended.

**After that everyone knows what happened so I go back to the current time**

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