8 ~ Something Something ~ V

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Tae P.O.V:

"awv awv"

Tannie wakes me up. This is a new place so he is getting fear easily, but tried to act like a tiger.

 This is a new place so he is getting fear easily, but tried to act like a tiger

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I took him to give huggie.

"Eomma is here tan-ah, okay"

"awv awv"

"What you want tan-ah?"

"awv awv"

He bites my pajamas and drags me from the bed. I made a small staircase beside my bed for tannie climb.

Hobi hyung taught me some information about to take care of tannie. So I think now tan-ah want a small walk. I look at my clock it shows 5:30 am.

I wear my long black jacket and cap. Everyone sleeping now, so without noise me and tannie went outside.

10 minutes of the walk went normal. I enjoyed an early morning walk on the beach side. Actually, this is my first time to wake up early morning. So it's totally new to me.

Tannie runs a little bit away from me.

"Tan-ah come here"

He looks at me then runs again a little bit further.

"Tan-ah No"

I don't want to get hurt. It's his first time other than home or shop. So, he is a little bit excited.

"Tan-ah" running.

"Tan-ah" running.

He is not ready to listen to me.

In this world which dog run like the zigzag pattern, here my tannie. I run like a penguin because of this cold. I stopped running.

I think if I use my eomma power he will stop and listen to me.

"Eomma told you to stop right now, tannie" I shouted

'Yes he stopped, he is a good son. I love you, my son'.

He looked at me one side and turned to run again but this time his running style is different, it looks like kind of dance. Wait he is teasing me?

"YAH, stop there, how dare you to disobey your eomma" I run faster this time and catch him.

"I Got Youuu, youuu, youuu" spinning him and he licks my face.

"You are so naughty tannie. I feel so lucky to have you."

I give warm huggie to my tan-ah. And I closed my eyes to feel the cold wind. I love this.

Today is my birthday. I felt something different from every birthday is this because of you my tannie?.

I start to think about my old birthday celebrations. It's so sweet memories. Automatically I started to smile.

"Happpieee Birthday to me" I wished myself.

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