19 ~ Engagement

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Tae P.O.V:

'What is that sound?' I stood alone there like statue.

'Eomma did not say it was not move. Then why this idiot moving now?'

I closed my eyes "Nothing gonna happen tae. Don't worry. Eomma appa everyone is here. You just have to go inside it's only few steps from here. You can do it taehyung" I hugged my tan tightly to my chest and spoke to myself.

"Eomma, appa, hyung, noona please anyone come outside. I am very scared" I started sobbing and my legs are shaking in fear.

Someone was touching my shoulder "Tae why you didn't go.." 'Gukkie' I jumped on him and hugging tightly. "Don't leave me" I bury my face on his neck to safe myself, his scent makes me calm. "awv awv" 'Tan-ah don't worry your appa will take care of us now' I hold him safely behind gukkie's back.

He circled my back "I will never leave you" he said and kissed on my neck. We stayed like that for few minutes.


Suddenly the ship started to shaking, tae buried him deeply into guk's chest again as much as he can. He tights the grips on guk's waist for support.

Guk groans by his action. He can felt tae's member touching in his body. 'No Jeongguk don't think anything'.

Guk pats his shoulder "Lolita come let's go to inside, we are already late" he was try to took tae hands from his neck but he tapped his hand immediately "NO, I won't come down" again he gripped back with little jump to hold him so tightly like his life depends on this. This time crushed more 'OMG, tae what are you doing to me? Please stop. I thought you are an innocent!' guk mentally fights with his own thoughts.

'I can't understand your feelings lolita. Just a little while ago you said what you would not forgive me but now your behaviour totally changed! How? But I like it' guk hugged him back.

"Hey lolita we can do this after party okay?" he whispered to his ear and kissed them lightly, tae shivers under guk's warm breath.

"Please take me.."

"Hello gu.. Sorry did I disturbed you?"

Guk turns to see "Oh lisa, hi" he waved by one hand and other hand holds his lolita. Tae still in the same position, he even didn't glare at the new voice.

"So this is your lolita?" she come towards their direction.

"Yes my one and only lolita" he said with proud smile on his face "Lolita look here, let me introduce my bestie" guk tried once again to remove his hands, same he tapped his hand again. "NO".

Guk P.O.V:

"Tae.. ahhhhhh"

He gets up from my neck "If you tried once again to remove my hands, then I will bite you deeply. Mind it" once done his warning then went back his previous place and continue his work. 'Oh how cute my lolita'.

"As your wish my lolita" I let him do whatever he wants.

"Hello this is too much, Can you be able to keep your lovey dovey in your bedroom. You guys broke my single heart" lisa touched her heart and acts like it was broken.

"Then why are you still here go inside"

"Yah you are so mean, you already breaks our.." I immediately shut her mouth with my hand. I shook my head as don't do that. She tapped my hand and rolled her eyes.

"Come let's go" I carried my lolita and going to inside, he is lightweight.

When I entered, everyone looked at us. I don't care about what will others think. I just love to carry my lolita in my hands.

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