20 ~ Photoshoot

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Tannie P.O.V:

'What the hell is happening here?' "awv awv"

I got angry, no one is near me when I woke up. Here everyone is enjoying themself without me. 'How dare?' "awv awv"

"Hey tan-ah you woke up?" halmeoni holds me "Thanks for your help" "It's my work sir. I'm leave now" he bowed to halmeoni.

'Why appa and eomma only stand there in alone? Without me? They didn't even notice my presence' I growled in anger.

"Hey tannie see your eomma's engagement" harabeoji said and pats my head. 'Engagement? What is that? Any new member like me? I don't want anyone, eomma is enough for me'.

I glared at appa why he is so close with my eomma. Because of him eomma doesn't notice me.

"awv awv awv awv awv awv" I barks from my lungs.

"Tan-ahhh" 'OMG' finally my eomma noticed me "awv awv awv" he ran towards me and took me from halmeoni. "Eomma is sorry for left you alone. Did you scared?" he kissed on my nose 'Actually I am not a scared pup, when I woke up just barks like my life is gonna end now when I saw the person in my front. It's not count in scared right? Even though I'm not scared, he is scared me like ghost smile' "awv awv".

"Hey my son, come to appa" I jumped immediately to appa and bite him "Ahhh, why?" 'I am the only one who can close to eomma not you appa' "awv awv" I bite again "What" 'This is for when eomma cried because of you' "awv awv" I bite again "Hey tan" 'This is for all of you left me in that room with that ghost person' I bite deeply again, last but not least "awv awv" "What happened to you tan?" 'This is for, appa you taste sooo good' I licked it where I bite 'Sorry appa you feel pain?' "awv awv".

"Awww, he is so cute right?" eomma chuckled and rubbed my head I turns to eomma and give easy to touch me.

"He was bites me, that's cute to you? Thank god he doesn't have teeth"

"He is not biting you, he is playing with you" eomma smiles at me "awv awv" "Yes appa, I am playing" bites again "Ahhh" eomma laughs 'Eomma your box smile so cute, I can also smile like you, eeeeeee'.

"Excuse me sir, time for the photoshoot" someone interrupts us.

"Yeah coming" appa replied to him 'Photoshoot time? Is that like playing time? Wowww then I can play with eomma and appa jolly' "awv awv awv".

"Someone gets more excitement than us?" appa tooks me "awv awv" I was tried to lick him "No No" he tooks me away from his face.

"Hyung take care of him, we will be back" appa gave me to him 'NO appa I also want to play with you and eomma' "awv awv"

"What? No way. I won't handle another tiny" he said with irritated voice 'Who is this cat? Look cat I am not tiny, I am Kim Yeontan son of Kim Taehyung' "awv awv" eomma pulled me from that cat "He is Kim Yeontan not tiny. And I won't let you to take care of my son" 'That's my eomma love you eomma' I licks him.

"Good, that's what I want. Now both of you.." "Tae I take care of him, give him to me" 'Ahhh this samchon, I like him but I don't to play with him right now' "Thanks jiminie hyung" eomma gave me to him 'Eomma no, don't go' "awv awv" "We will be back quickly" appa said 'Appa don't play with eomma without me' "awv awv" "Don't make any troubles eomma will be back soon okay? Be a good boy" eomma pinched my on nose 'Eomma please, I will also come with you' "awv awv awv awv awv" both are went away from me "awv awv" "Hey tan-ah what you want to play?" 'I don't want to play with you, I want to go to Eomma and APPAaaa, take me to them' "awv awv awv awv awv awv awv" "YAH, take this mini away from me" 'MINI yah cat you wanna fight with me?' "Yoon, if you behave like this one more then.." "then what?" 'yah you both are fight somewhere else now take me to my eomma appa' "awv awv awv awv awv awv awv" "Hello tan, hey jimin hey yoongi" 'OMG this samchon! NO'.

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