33 ~ Love Life

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A few minutes before.

Guk P.O.V:

I come home to pick that important document for today's meeting.

"Eomeonim!" I bowed at him.

He smiled at me.

"Hey guk what? Did you forget anything?" mom asked at me.

"Yes mom, I forget that today's meeting document" I said while my eyes are searching for a particular person.

"He is in your room" jennie told me silently.

"Thank you" I smiled at her and bowed to all of them. I took my steps longly and reached my room.

I opened the door slowly and peeked inside I am seeing my lolita buried his face into my one of the pillow. I smiled at him and tiptoes to the sofa which is faced to him. I see something moving under my blanket.

"awv awv awv awv awv awv awv" 'Hey my son!' I grinning at my son 'shhh' I gestured him to don't bark. "awv awv awv"

"Aishhh tan-ah you can't let me sleep for.." my lolita looking at me in shock.

His sitting position is so funny, parted legs and stuffed the most of the blanket middle of that and clenched the pillow. I smiled at his cuteness.

"Is this dream?" he rubbed his eyes with the half hand hidden with his hoodie. 'Cute'

'In future when we wake up in the same bed, you will looks like this right lolita? How will be your voice be in the sleepy morning? How will you wake me up? Oppa or hubby? Jagiya? Gukkie? anything else? I wanna live that life with you now lolita'

"We can't just marry now lolita?"

"awv awv" I get up from the sofa and sat on the bed beside my lolita and tooks my son placed on him my lap and rubbed on his head.


"Wh.. What?" - tae.

"You don't want to live with me?" - guk.

"I.. I want.." - tae.

"Then, Can we get married next week?" - guk.

"No" tae shook his head fastly.


"I want.. I want to study.."

"You can study after our marriage lolita, I won't stop that"

"Not only for that.." tae stopped and starts to play with guk's pillow.

Guk puts his hand on tae's shoulder "Tell me whatever you feel lolita, I won't do anything against your wish".

"I want to know that how will be like love life" tae blushed madly and hide his face into the pillow.

Guk smiled sweetly and rubbed on his head "As your wish my lolita, I will shower you with a lot of love, but we can do as a married couple also.." guk tried but "No, if we get married it will be feel like I locked with you, before marriage you don't expect from me anything other than love, but after marriage maybe you will change and you want me to be under your control.." "Do you think I will be changed tae?" tae shook his head "In case.." "I love you madly tae.." guk said with broken voice his lolita doesn't trust him that is pained to his heart "that, that mad love will change our love life gukkie" tae cups his gukkie face "I trust you with my whole heart gukkie, I just want to enjoy our love life for few years gukkie" "WHAT? Fe.. few YEARS? No.way. I can't" guk turned his face to the opposite direction with angry "Just 2 years" guk shocked inside turns his head towards his lolita "2 years? You mean 731 days we have to live our life as I am in this room and you in that small room? NO.WAY" again guk turns his head and crossed his hands to the chest meanwhile tannie sleeps with a loud voice "Okay then 1 year just one year, after that.." "NO" guk said without looking at him, tae comes in front of his face "Please please one year just 365 days only, it will be go like airplane speed" tae pleaded with his puppy eyes, guk sighed "3 months just 3 months only I can wait.." "this is not fair, I asked you 365 days you come with just 90 days! 90 days is not enough for our love life gukkie, please please please, I have a list to do with you lot there is not enough for 90 days, I need at least one year" "What's the list?" "You agree first then I will tell you" guk frowned "please please please" tae used his all cute charms to accept his hubby guk sighed "Okay, fine but 6 months only, no more argument" before tae say anything guk connected his lips with his lolita's soft lips.

Tae kissed back with a calculating mind, '6 months is enough? It will fulfill my love life with my husband?'

Tae broke their kiss "Gukkie but 6 months not enough for me" tae whined.

"But 10 days is enough, I think that is also too long for me. I will show you what is love, Lolita."

"So show me, I will show you~"

They continued their Magic Kiss.

"Still you have not found that document dear?" yoona entered with teasing smile on her face.

Tae immediately covers himself with the blanket.

"Mom, you can't just knock the door before entering"

"Yeah I did, I knocked on the door, but only I can hear that sound. By the way, I come here to let you know that jin is here and he is waiting for his son to come down or you need to jin come.."

"No no, we will be there in 5 mins, mom"


Tae peeked out from the blanket.

"She is not here"

Tae punched him on his arms.

"Why you didn't lock the room? See, mom saw when we kissed"

"I will lock it next time, lolita" guk ruffled on tae's hair "Now tell me that list".

Tae shook his head "No" he tried to get up but guk grabbed him, tae slipped on the bed in lying position.

"Humkum, Can I take tan with me? Even if he is sleeping he is a small boy you know!" yoona entered again.

Tae again covered himself "Mommm.."

Yoona took sleeping tannie with her "Now you may continue" she winked at his son and went out.

"Only 5 minutes" yoona yelled at from the outside.

Guk slowly pulled the blanket from tae, both eyes are meeting glaring deeply with lots of love in guk eyes, tae blushed madly. Guk slowly goes down to tae ear while tae still lying down "Still do you want that 6 months lolita?"

"Ye.. Yes" tae said with shutter and tried to push him and get up.

Guk grabbed him by his wrist to lay down again, he buried his face into tae's neck and hold his waist "At least let me stay like this for 5 minutes"

Tae didn't say anything and hugged his hubby by his shoulder.

"Tae Babe"

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