92 ~ Closer

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"Sorry? For what?" guk wants to know this sorry for what he said or what he did.

"First hug me, idiot" tae yells with his usual, cute puppy anger. He missed guk's warmth enough of it already. Guk lips curved into a small smile then slides his left hand into tae's tiny waist and pulls his lolita into a very tight hug, it made both of them bumps into each other nose slightly, tae yelps in sudden so close move his face changed into beautiful blushes "Happy?" guk asks as locking his gaze with a beautiful love filled eyes. Tae nods slowly with a blush while biting his lips. Guk can't help he leans and chu on the soft lips.

"Hmm, tell me now, lolita. You're sorry for what?" guk voice changed into a little bit serious.

"For.. for everything" tae said with a nervousness.

"I want to hear with a reason, lolita. So be specific"

"Do you can't accept my sorry without reason?" tae whines with his cute pout.

If tae didn't fight with him an hour ago he won't ask for any reasons, and just accept his sorry only. But now he wants to know "No, I can't"

"Then don't accept it" tae yells in his stubborn attitude popped-up and he turns his face only to the other side to show that he is in anger because of him. Guk removes his hands around him, the next second tae moves closer puts his weight on others in fear of falling down "YAH, are you planning to push me away?" snuggles closer to guk "Then tell me first" "Then hold me first" guk slides his hand around him again.

"Whatever I did is a mistake.." guk cuts him "I want specific.." tae cuts him "Just shut up and let me speak first, you idiot" tae yells at the person, who can't patiently wait for the reason. Guk pulls him closer "I know that, I am your idiot" tae rolls his eyes "Do you want the reason or not?" guk nods quickly "Yes, yes" "Then you should.." gestured guk to zip his mouth, guk opens his mouth and folded his lips "Good boy" tae chuckled and chu on guk's folded lips. Guk gestured his eyebrows to continue him, tae smiling face changed into a little bit nervous.

"I.. I didn't mean to what I said an hour ago.." now guk face changed while unfolded his lips, tae continues "I want you and your love for my entire life, gukkie. I know you won't.. You won't go. I was just con.. Confused by something else, that's why I.. I.." guk rubs on his back to help him "It's okay, lolita" tae took a few seconds before continuing "And I won't go.. I mean I won't escape like last time. That was my last time I pinky promise" tae asks truly and shows his cute little pinky finger in front guk's face waiting to do the pinky promise with him, guk smiles happily while shaking his wrinkled nose with that tiny pinky finger, tae smiles back while tracing others nose. Tae moves his finger onto guk's ear and starts to play with his piercings. Guk pulls himself back a very little bit to see tae's expression clearly "Lolita.." "Hmmm.." tae just hummed as his full focus on others piercings "Look at my eyes" tae stunned for a few seconds, then slowly moves his gaze from guk's ear to sharp eyes "Are you hiding anything from me?" tae opens mouths in shock and surprise, he didn't expect this question at least now! "Huh? Hid.. hiding? What are you talking and why.. why should I hide something from you? There is no.. no sense" tae said with shudders and ends with a sheepish smile "Then what is the meaning of you were confused by.." tae cuts him "I think, I am gonna fall" tae whined and clenched guk's shirt tightly tries to move closer in fear at the same time he tries to change the topic. Guk sighs, lift him by one hand and rolls over to another side, now tae's back resting on the sofa's back pillow guk in tae's previous place at sofa edge, tae was surprised by sudden action "Now you won't fall, okay?" guk asks softly, tae blushes madly "But.. you might fall co.. come closer" shudders with damn shy. After getting back his memories he felt something new feelings in his marriage life, and he wants to be more touchy with his lovable husband, but he doesn't know how to ask, because of his super shy. Guk likes it at the same time he was confused by his own thoughts, but he can't refuse the opportunity from his cute lolita he cups tae's reddish face into one hand "You want me to come closer?" asks with a husky voice, forgets the question what he was about to ask, tae won silently! Tae nods and biting his lips in nervous "Then kiss me, lolita" guk asks with a smirk, tae eyes widen in surprise, of course, they kissed countless times, but tae still shy to initiate a kiss when he submitted himself to guk. And guk love that shy kiss more than a hot kiss "Please gukkie" tae whines with a cute pout, guk tries his best to not fall into that cuteness, he pulls himself back "If not I will sleep on.." tae cuts him by pulls his collar to stay and smashed their lips, guk instantly reply back and smiles between the kiss in victory. Tae wraps his hands around guk's nape, guk hands slide into tae's pajamas to feel his warmth, tae whimpers between the kiss when guk tracing more like teasing him with his cold hands all over his back and heating the sensation. Guk let go his lips to take a breath and went down to suck his collarbone, tae moans getting heavier by guk's moves. Guk removes tae's shirt buttons while kissing those soft lips once again, tae breathing getting uneven when guk starts to touch and pinching his nipples, tae curls his toes and bites guk's lips unconsciously. Guk pulls aways and sees tae's messy hair, swollen lips, panting heavily caresses his cheeks softly "I think we should stop here lolita, before things get out of my hands" guk asks to know what his lolita wants, even guk badly wants to wreck his lolita in a good way he can't and he won't. Tae nods slowly with crimson red and hide his face into guk's chest, he can understand a little bit of guk's intention because of Gianna's lessons, but he's in super shy and nervous for that special thing, he needs time to take everything "I'm sorry, I am just.." mumbled, peeking out from guk's chest and meet with guk's smiling face, guk chu on his head lightly "I won't force or hurt you, lolita. I know you're not ready.. Hmmm leave it! I'm sorry I lost my control too" tae shooks his head fastly, he wants to say something but words not popping in his mind, guk giggles at tae's eye and pouty lips reactions "Don't do this to me lolita" said while tracing his pouty lips "Just sleep okay" said and adjust himself to sleep comfortably with his lolita, tae was about to turn towards him, but guk stops him "Wait, let me button up your shirt first, it might be very dangerous to me" tae giggle cutely "hmm, done. Now I can sleep peacefully" sighs and pulls him closer to hug, tae puts his left hand on guk's shoulder smiles happily.

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