4 ~ Argument

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Yoona P.O.V:

"See my dear, I want you to marry Kim Taehyung" he shocked.

"WHAT?, Mom I can't and I won't marry a strange person" I know it's hard to assent him at the same time I don't want to lose tae, before anyone took I want him.

"Do you love anyone Jeongguk?" normally I won't call him like this, but I want to know him this is serious.

"No mom, but.." I cut him "Then no choice my son, If you once meet him I sure you will love him. He is so cute and lovely. No one can't resist him before his puppy eyes." I tried to consent him.

"No mom, sorry". He gets up from the sofa and I tried to move but I pulled his wrist to stop him.

"Please dear, just meet him only once if you don't want him after that meeting then I won't disturb you either" I pleaded him. He is always stubborn with his choice, like his dad. But I'm sure it will change after you him dear.

"Sorry mom, please try to understand me. This is not a business. It's life matter I can't enter anyone in my life just like that."

"It's business" I changed my tone.


"Your dad made an agreement about future combined with them, here they're number one past few years. Your dad already tried so many attempts to beat them. Everything waste. His first son started to run his father business like you. Now he is targeted his business to move worldwide, It's dangerous for Jeon Group." I know it tricks him and he doesn't want to lose worldwide number one position it's pride for him and he did lots of hard work to take Jeon Group worldwide. Yes, his dad works only 40% he only took Jeon Group to worldwide in short of the period.

"There is always another way mom, I will find out. If I married him for our own business selfish agreement it's like a betrayal to him, I won't do that to anyone".

"It's normal for like us jeon, Business with benefits" I think I moved wrongly.

"Mom, from when you are changed like this?" he asked shockingly.

"If you don't want him, then you will lose me also Jeongguk".

No matter what jeongguk, I won't backward this time I let you go to take your choice for business but your life is in my hand.

"Why are you like this mom? Dad please at least gimme some time I will try something."

"No Jeon we don't have any other choice Mr. Kim related to WB matter." his dad said with a calm tone.

Guk P.O.V:

"WHAT?" I feel tensed.

Why WB matter involved with this?


Why mom strongly augmented with this topic?

Just Why? Why? Why???

"Yeah, Jeon this matter is not like others, so just get ready for that." dad is not like just said, it's more like an order. I just started at dad I never ever argued with my dad "Trust me Jeon your marriage life is not like hell, even he is an angel inside and outside. So don't worry too much" chuckled. I sighed "Whatever, but after meeting if I don't like him no forces okay?" my mom hugged me tightly "Sure dear" kissed me on cheeks.

I know I gonna reject him. I don't want to trap anyone for business. It's not fair.

I am just curious about what he did to my parents? I know a lot of marriage proposal they canceled, everyone is the world's top business man's son or daughter. He is that much pretty? I saw a lot of gorgeous people so that's not gonna affect me!.

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