68 ~ Marry Me?

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Hey guys, how you all? I missed you all soooooo much. Sorry for the long gap, do you guys still remember my story (FATM)?

 Sorry for the long gap, do you guys still remember my story (FATM)?

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~ Sin 💜


Tannie P.O.V:

I am so confused. Why eomma yelled at appa then ran to his room, why all shocking at eomma's words. What eomma said? 'Appa can you bring me to eomma's room, you know I can't jump on stairs. Who build these stairs with so much height?!' "awv awv".

"Eomeonim, this is not what you think, they will explain what happened. Now excuse me" appa said fastly and took me into his arms running to upstairs 'Yeahhh eomma, I and appa coming to see you' "awv awv".

"Tannah you are the one gonna calm your eomma's mad, okay?" appa give the information while running towards eomma's room.

'Is eomma mad on you appa? What you did this time? Why you always.. ufffff cool tan cool this is not the right time to fight with your stupid appa, focus on your eomma' "awv awv awv awv awv awv awv awv awv awv awv"

We reached eomma's room, appa stopped there and taking his breath deeply before opens the door.

"awv awv" 'eomma'

"Tannah" eomma gets up and sat on the bed "Give my son" sounds like mad.

Appa give me to eomma and sit beside him, I start to lick my eomma's face tries to cool him, eomma smiles sweetly.

"Now I gave you what you asked, lolita" eomma stops his smile and glaring at appa.

Before eomma talk appa puts his fingers on eomma's lips, 'What they're doing?' "awv awv".

"Tan is our first son, right?" 'what kind of silly question appa of course I am' "awv awv" eomma nods slowly while pats on my head, I downed my head to enjoy eomma's touch.

"I will give after our marriage, what you really want lolita" 'Huh?!' I raised my head to see my parents one is blushing one is smirking 'What the hell they are doing in front of their one and only son?' "awv awv awv awv awv awv".

Appa rubs on my head with eomma's hand "Someone is eagerly waiting for his siblings" 'Siblings? Like eomma and that aggressive love samchon?!!! Hmmm idea is not bad tho, okay I am ready when will you give them to me? Where are they staying now? I wanna see them NOW' "awv awv awv awv awv awv".

"Now come and greet your noona and hyung, they're waiting for you" before we go down appa chu on eomma's lip then my head and takes me from eomma. Eomma follows appa like me.

⏪ time skip @ yoongi and jimin going to their home ⏩

Jimin P.O.V:

"Chim, do you want to go grocery shopping?" yoongi asked while driving.

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