22 ~ Playing with Water

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Guk P.O.V:

"Hyung, please help me"

"Fuck off"

It's been 10 days, me and my lolita met each other. Whenever I tried to saw him he always avoided. He doesn't pick my calls, no reply messages, whenever I went to his home he always locked up in his room. Eomeonim as well as tried but no response.

**few days before**


"Lolita please opens the door" 'knock knock'

"I didn't mean to do that, please lolita try to understand me" 'knock knock'

"If I know that you are doesn't like sea travel and business I would not have done that, I swear to you lolita. I love you. Jebal forgive me" 'knock knock'

3 hours later.

"I will not go here without seeing you" 'knock knock'

"Tae babe open this door" 'knock knock' "When did you took your room key in my drawer?" 'knock knock'

"Jeongguk listen to me I as well as tried to talk to him but he never listen to me. Give me some time I will talk to him again and make sure him to talk to you okay? He is so stubborn kid. We gave him a lot of affections that's why he behaves like this".

Guk sighed "Nae eomeonim".

Few minutes later.

Tae enters the kitchen "Eommaaa" tae called his eomma while yawning and stretching his body.

"Tae this is not fair, I never ever raised you like this. This is very very worst behavior" jin saw his babe eyes tearing up.

Jin sighed rubbed his own face "If you look at me like this how can even scold you babe? I feel like I did something wrong.." tae runs to his eomma jumped on him and hugged him like kola "Eomma you won't scold your taetae babe, just now he woke up" buried his face into his eomma's neck.

"Then can I scold him after sometime?"

"No eomma you never ever scold him, he did nothing wrong. Even if he did something wrong you should forgive him and snuggles him because he is your one and only babe bear" tae said and kissed on his eomma's cheek.

"But jeongguk.." tae put his hand on eomma's mouth "Don't talk about him eomma please" tae pleased with his puppy eyes.

Jin takes tae hand "No we need to talk about him right now".

Tae gets down "NO NO NO".

"Tae come here RIGHT NOW".

"APPAAAAAA" tae runs to his appa "Appa save me".

"What? What happened? Slow slow" tae pants "appa appa save me from eomma".

"This is not normal?!! You always run to eomma and told him to 'save me from appa'.." "If you save me from eomma now, then I won't tell eomma that you smoked".

"Yah, tae this is not fair that was 10 years before. Even he knew that. And that was my first and last time".

"That's not a matter appa, even if I bring that topic now I am damn sure that you will die for few days. Is that okay for you?"

"Yah how can you threatening your own appa?"

Jin enters his bedroom "Yah tae what I.." "Hey honey.." "Before I say anything to you just shut up" joon folded his lips.

"You totally waste appa" tae was tried to run again but jin caught him easily.

"Eomma please leave me"

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