81 ~ Husband Duty

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Guk P.O.V:

When I woke up the next morning as my lolita's husband it gives something unknown new kind of feeling. There is something in the husband's power. I looked down at who is sleeping cutely on my chest, his half of body full on me. I dunno why he chooses my right side though because when he came yesterday I give my left side space for him to sleep but he chooses my right side which had only tiny space. But now my right side has more space I'm on the edge of the sofa. I am not complaining, I just love it. Chu on his lightly with so much love and satisfaction, softly tighten my grip on his waist to give my warmth. I badly want to see his beautiful face but the way of his sleeping position is hiding it. Slightly pulled him up by his waist, so that I could rest my chin on his head at least. He moves slightly and buried his face into my right side neck and I leaned that side now his lips are touching with my cheeks. I went to sleep again as not want to miss my lolita's warmth.

⏮ time skip @ few hours later ⏭

I don't want to go, but I have to go 💭 What to do?!!! 💭

I tried my best to get up without waking him up, but his tights hold makes me to stay there.

💭 Ahhh, lolita please I can't control it anymore 💭

Very very slowly I removed his leg on me when I was to remove his hands, he whined and puts his legs on me again with some force. I bite my lips to control it. A few seconds of deep breath control, I took his pillow and replaced it, ran to the bathroom to release my stress. I sighed in relief as my life returned peacefully now when I pee "How can he sleep so long without urinating?"


After that guk did his usual exercise for hours, then he went to do breakfast for him and his lolita. Once done he went to wake him up.

It's already noontime, but his lolita still in sleeping.

💭 I was the one tired of all marriage works, but see here who's taking a long rest?! 💭 Guk thoughts and kneeled down closer to him, who's sleeping freely position.

"Lolita, wake up" lightly shooks him, no response.

"Hey, lolita come on wake up" this time he shook a little bit fastly "wake up" tae rolls over other side and hide his face into the pillow to continue.

Guk pulled out the pillow from him, the next second without any thoughts tae kicked his legs on the air and whined as closed eyes. Guk chuckled and grabs his legs to stop kicking on the air "Give the pillow" tae whined as kicking his legs in guk's grips.

"No, you already took enough of rest, now get up"

"No, I am gonna sleep full day" rolled and hide his face into the pillow as showing his back to him.

"I won't let you" hits on his butt lightly.

"Who are you to control me?" asked with irritation tone never get up to look at him.

"I'm your husband" he said while brushing his silky hair.

"So what?" slapped it on anger.

"Okay then you have sleep how long you want, I will eat your ice cream and cho.." tae gets up instantly "Don't dare to touch what's mine" tae runs quickly to following him, who is walking towards the kitchen. Before guk open the fridge, tae jumped on his back and took his hands from behind "I said don't touch them" "Me or ice cream?" without delay tae said "Of course ice cream".

Guk pulls him to the front by single turn and lets him sit on the kitchen slab "Has it become so important to you than me?" "Yeahhh" tae said while yawning and pulls guk closer to hug. Tae wrapped his legs around guk and hugs him by waist rested head on his chest. Guk hugs him back by his nape softly.

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