15 ~ Suddenly

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"Tan-ah this is your new home. How is it?" - tae put him down in his room.

"awv awv" - tannie runs to everywhere in that room.

"Shall I take this yes?" "awv awv" "Are you hungry?" "awv awv" "me too" rubbed his tummy

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"Shall I take this yes?" "awv awv" "Are you hungry?" "awv awv" "me too" rubbed his tummy.

"Wait I will go and get some snacks for us" "awv awv" tae went down stairs.

Tannie P.O.V:

"I love this room, it's full of my eomma's smell" sniffing.

"But I miss my appa smell. Appa! yes that was what he said before eomma take me to his car.

'You have to take care of your eomma when no one arounds him. Only few days my dear after our marriage I will take care of you and eomma with me. Okay pup? and don't tease your eomma that's my job, I already know your other side pup. So be a good boy to your eomma. I gonna miss you my puppies'

Don't worry eomma I will take care of you behalf appa, until your marriage then appa will take care of us"

"But I don't like one thing from appa he always trying to so touchy with eomma"

"ta daaa, here your snacks tannie" I ran to my eomma.

He took me and went to his bed, we both are starting to eat our snacks and watching our favourite cartoon. Sounds of 'mochu mochu'.

Guk P.O.V:

"Dad, suddenly xxx company arranged the urgent meeting. so I have to go now, where is mom?" I asked to dad while adjusting my tie and looking at watch it shows 7:30 pm I have 30 minutes for that meeting.

"She is in kitchen. Urgent meeting! Why?" dad asked me confusingly because last week only dad cleared everything with them.

"They said, they have a big project and they want to share with us. It might help our business to next level dad" I don't want to lose any single chance, if it will improve my business then I am ready to do.

"Okay my dear son, be careful with them, they are last few months not in good way as of far I know" I nodded "Sure dad" I already attend the bunch of meetings so it's nothing to me and as well as I gathered all informations about them it's true now they have a big project that's why I agreed them to this meeting.

"Mom, I am going to the business meeting" I shouts towards kitchen "10 minutes wait.." mom come out from the kitchen "sorry mom, I know you are cooking for me. I promise you, once this meeting finish I will come back and eat whatever you prepared. Okay?" she pouts to me and nodded. I know she wants to spend time with me. I promise mom I will come back quickly. I hugged to comfort her.

"Come fast" she said and hugged me back. I nodded.

I took my car and start to drive fastly. I like adventure so I always love to drive fast.





OMG even his voice makes me crazy.

"Hi My lolita, what you doing?"

"Eating snacks with tannie and watching cartoon" he said like systematic answer.

"Cartoon? Tae you are 18" I start to tease him again.

"Yes" as expected one line answer.

"Cartoon is for kids not for adults"

"There is no such an announcement before they telecast" hmmm nice reply.

"Did you call me for fight again? If yes then call me after 10:30"

"10:30? eomeonim told me you will normally go to your bed at 10 o'clock?!" when eomeonim said about tae he mention his sleeping time also.

"Yes that's why I am saying you to call me at 10:30, then only I don't have to attend your call"

"awv awv" oh my son see your eomma's silly fight.

"Still my lolita is mad at me?"


"Ohhh lolita that's just banana milk.." he cuts me "not just banana milk that's MINE! My banana milk, If you want you have to ask, and don't have stole from mine" I chuckled at his behavior. He is not like foodie but don't like to share with others. But I am not like others You should have to share with me one and only ME.

"I am sorry my dear wifey, okay?"

I know he will be blushing.


"You have to say in words lolita I can't see your actions"

"Nae" he said in husky voice.

"Nae who?"


"Who I am to you?"



"Jiminie hyung is calling, bye"

"YAH.." he cuts the call "that little smurf".

I smiled "Is that much hard to say hubby lolita?"


What is this??!!



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