93 ~ Special Date

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"Hey, lolita.. What are you doing here? Who came with you? Mom? Where is she?" asks with a calm and care voice while taking his steps towards tae.

Tae glaring at him with his puppy doe eyes. He was already angry and missing his husband for not spending his time with him. Guk kept saying to his lolita that he is working on a very important project, it will end this month then he will spend more time with him even if tae resist it he won't let him go away. So tae also agreed with his husband, but not full-hearted he's still fighting with his husband to spend time with him. Even guk tried his best to balance the business and his naughty wife. Tae last few days torturing his husband to take him out for a date, after marriage they didn't go anywhere. Guk is so busy with his current project. And he promised that he would take him out even if he got a few free hours. So now you know why is tae angry!

"Is this your business meeting?" tae asks calmly first he wants to confirm is this meeting for business or just handout, and tae mind has not to think any negative thoughts for guk with jisoo. Because he knows very well about his husband's love for him. There is no way to cheat on him, tae is damn sure about it.

Guk closes to cups his face "Lolita.." but tae backed away "First answer my question, this meeting is for your project or not?" resist himself to melt into guk's lovey-dovey actions.

Guk took a huge sigh before says the truth "Nope" shooks his head slightly.

Tae eyes began to drop the hot tears, his hands are urging to slap his husband but he doesn't want to create a scene in a public place, he fist his palms and hitting on guk's chest "Today morning also you're the one who started to give me a promise but see here, you have time to spend with others but not for your wife lolita" says with a cute sad pout and a lit sobbing while hitting on guk's chest. Watching all of them founds it cute!

"It's not what you think lolita.." guk comes forward cups his face and wipes the tear with tae's against "We just come here to release my work stress for minutes" guk says the truth.

"Yes, taetae. And I'm the one insists your husband take a break from work, he wasn't in the right mind from the morning that's why.." tae cuts jisoo "Then let him go home, why you took him out, noona?" asks with a little sniff to control the sobs.

"Are you jealous taetae?" jisoo asks with a naughty smile.

"Why should I be jealous when my gukkie loves me like I am his whole world, you should be the one jealous here for I am having a husband like him. Even he sometimes acts like an idiot he is my gukkie, his love only belongs to me, and he also knows that am I right gukkie?" turns to guk and asks suddenly guk nods with a proud smile "You're my everything lolita" confess his feelings nth time.

"I'm not jealous, why should I too? When I have my lovable boyfriend here" jisoo mocked back tae with a teasing smile.

Tae eyes widen in surprise "Here?!"

"Yeah, HERE. He is with me now" jisoo added some more tenses to tae.

Tae slowly went to stand in front of guk like he's hiding him from jisoo "Whe.. where is he?" tae asks while intertwined his hands with his husband, guk likes this new possessive wife feelings, he just watching them with a small smile. Because he knows already who is jisoo's boyfriend and why she insists him to come particularly this cafe.

"There" pointing at guk's direction "WHAT?! Gukkie is mine" tae yells at her little bit loudly as grabbing his husband to hide fully behind him which is not possible by his tiny body figure.

Jisoo rolls her eyes "Not your boy" grabs tae hands to stand her direction "My boy is there" pointing at the person who is serving the customer "How is my selection taetae?" jisoo asks with a small blush.

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