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Yes! Minho is right. Tae likes minho when they were a child, but just in a good way and it is normal when someone is treating you a special way. Tae likes the way of minho treating him, so he also starts to like minho, but he thought it was his secret. Because he never ever says that he likes minho to anyone, and when minho left them he totally forgets him and his childhood puppy crush, now how did he find out.

"No, hyung.." tae tried to deny the truth, minho takes his steps close to tae, tae steps back "Whatever had happened that won't stopping I am loving you taetae, you are always a special person to me. And I am not an enemy for your love at the same time that Jeon Jeongguk can't stop me the way I am treating you" minho said and pinching on tae cheeks.

Somewhat tae felt relief and smiled at minho "You are always my special hyung, I am glad to meet you again"

"I don't mind if you still had a crush on me, better do one thing tae just break up with that dominative idiot and date with me I will treat you better than him and I will buy you ice cream, chocolates, cake, chips whatever you want, baby" he winked at tae.

Tae shook his head "I don't want anything hyung, I am enough with that dominative idiot aka my gukkie" said and shows box smile.

Minho sighed "I think my competitive attacked your heart very deeply, I need you to rescue how much fast I can.." tae chuckled between minho's non-sence words "hyung, I have to go now, we will see later" tae slowly walks away from him "How about date after our classes?" minho shouts from stayed place, tae rolled his eyes with sigh and turned towards minho and gesture his hands as X "No, bye" said and run away from there. Minho smiled and turns to go to his class but stopped by taemin angry face, minho smiled nervously and waved his hands at taemin "Hey taemin, are you free for evening date?" he asked and puts his hand on taemin shoulder, taemin instantly slapped "Fuck off" said and walks fastly "Are you angry?" minho follows him with little run to catch him.

**time skip @ Guk office**

Guk stretching his body while yawing of continues work from tired.

"Huuu, finally I finished all the very urgent documents, now only I have urgent documents, I can rest for few minutes" leaned back and rested his head on top of the chair. He flinched from the chair and looking at the time on his table, it shows '10:23 pm' "Shit" he took his phone and dialed, the second ring phone picked.

"Hellooo, What is doing my lolita?"




"My little babe is angry on me?"


"I am sorry lolita, please talk"


"loli.." tae cuts him.

"Me or Business?"

"Of course you only My Lolita"

Call ended by tae. Guk called again but this time he got a systematic response.

Guk starring at his phone confusedly "I said correctly right? Then why he ended the call?".

**Meanwhile Tae**

"Eomma we can go now" tae said and come out from guk's bedroom.

"Bye mom" yoona comes and hugs tae warmly "I gonna miss you dear" "Me too mom" yoona chu on his head "awv awv" "I gonna miss you too my tan-ah" yoona ruffled on tannie's head.

"Bye mom" yoona comes and hugs tae warmly "I gonna miss you dear" "Me too mom" yoona chu on his head "awv awv" "I gonna miss you too my tan-ah" yoona ruffled on tannie's head

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