61 ~ Love Me Like You Do

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This chapter only full of taekook with some 🙈, I just tried to do hmm do hmmm just read it by yourself guys I'm so shy shy 🙈🙈, if you don't like just let me know indirectly 😀😁 I will 🚫 it from upcoming updates... Nowwww let's gooooooooooooooooo 🏃🏃🏃

~Sin 💜


Guk P.O.V:

Did I heard it clearly or is this all dream?!

It must be a dream or I should be heard it wrongly!

How can I expect this from my lolita after I hurts him very badly?!!!

I can't take my eyes on from the beautiful creature, he looks so nervous.

"Gukkie, gukkie" he kept shaking my body with his tiny hands "Stop playing, gukkie gukkie" my back met soft mattress, I think he pushed me.

"YAH, I SAID STOP PLAYING" he tried to punches on my chest very strongly, but it was very soft to me because his cute hands have that much strength only. But that was enough to bring back my sense.

It causes me to cough and pants lightly. Now I know, my whole body was stopped functioning for few minutes.

"Gukkie, are you okay?" he looking at me with the worrying face.

I cups his cheeks very softly "So this is not a dream?" his gaze goes down from eyes to chest shyly biting his soft lips while shook his head slowly.

I pulled him for the tight hug. I know very well he won't repeat what he said, but I want to hear that again and again, at least once? I asked him with 0.0000000000001% hope.

"Lolita, can you repeat that again for your oppa? Your oppa not heard it rightly"

"That's not my fault" he gets up from my hold, I as well as gets up by follows him.

"Please, please, please lolita, just once, that's enough for now" I know I am begging to my wife.

"There is a no way for once again, you already scared me for enough like like.." "deadman" I complete his struggling words.

'You are really an idiot Jeongguk, who told you to stop breathing at the precious moment' mentally I am scolding myself for my stupidity.

"I won't scare you this lolita, please" he shook his head fastly, let out my huge sigh in expected disappoint.

"Okay at least tell me this, what makes you to say this today especially what I have done to you, lolita. A few minutes before only I hurt you badly" I whispered the last sentence full of pain.

Took my steps close to him, he did not move an inch. Slowly caressing his both hands and intertwined with mine, glancing at his little scared eyes, my heart feels pain because I am the reason for his scarring "Please, lolita" slightly squeeze on his soft hands. He lowers his eye contact to my neck, pulled out his hands and rubbing on neck with his smooth palm "I am sorry I didn't mean to do that" he said with worried voice, lift his face with my free hand "Don't change the topic" looking at me with cute pouts, I tried my best to do not fall for his cuteness "If you don't want then okay. Ahhh, I forget, I have business meetings for 10 days so I can't able to meet you" I lied to him while pulled out myself from him, he clentched my shirt with his both hands stopping me from moving away "Please don't go away from me gukkie" pleaded with his cute puppy eyes.

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