75 ~ Let's Break Up

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I 💜 U all

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I 💜 U all..

- Sin 💜


⏮ time skip @ One week later in America ⏭


"My dear, you did a very good job. He canceled his upcoming meetings here and his position is going down too. We have a great chance to regain his number one position"

"Thanks honey, by the way. I won't stop here"

"What do you mean Krystal?"

"You will see that effect in your future"

⏮ time skip @ Seoul same as one week later time ⏭

Gianna called guk and told him to bring tae for the final test. So guk heading to his lolita's house with ice cream.

When he opens the bedroom door, he sees his lolita sleeping very cutely. He slowly walks towards him and sat on the bed beside him. Tae hugs the pillow tightly to his chest and chin, it shows his sleeping pouts. Guk bites the lips to control his hormones. It's been weeks that he tasted his lolita's sinful lips. He just laid beside him as his face facing others cute sleep and staring him, forgets completely why he was here.

His hands are aching for grab to hold him. He caresses his soft cheeks and rubbing smoothly, tae without any conscious leans and turns to his touch. Tae pouty lips touches guk's inner palm, he hung out his tongue to taste what it is. His kitten licks make guk to smirk, he puts his thumb finger lightly into tae's open mouth, tae also starts to suck as a thought of some candy. Guk just looking at him with a happy smile, in few minutes tae starts to bite his fingers as a thought of finish his candy quickly before anyone grabs it from him.

"Ahhh, lolita it's my finger" he yells in pain, but he can't grab it from his lolita's tight grips. He can, if use a few amounts of force, but he didn't.

"Tasty candy" he said in sleep while licking his lips with guk's finger.

"I too want to taste my own candy" smashed his lips with him, tae wide awake from his sleep.

After tae get to know it's his gukkie, he grabbed him by his neck to close the space. He also missed his warmth and kiss. Guk maximum comes out from his business and fully focused on his lolita's, so they get along well in these days. Guk is lucky that he already knows what tae would like, so it's easier to surprise him in many ways. Guk phone ringtone is stopped them to eating each other lips.

"Hell.." gianna cuts him "Where are you? I have already told you I need to go somewhere, so be there on time, I am already reached here, and you are romancing with your lolita. You should be here in 30 minutes that's it" gianna ended the call.

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