47 ~ Sell

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**Scene: Jin and Tae coming out from the Ice Cream Shop**


"Eomma, It's early to go home, I want to play" tae whined cutely.

"You want to go to the park or arcade?"

Tae starts to think deeply while licking two hands full of ice cream "hmmm, how about appa's office?"

"Your appa's office look likes to your playing room or what, tae?" jin asked with fake angry.

"Of course that's one of my playing room, there is no doubt eomma. Come let's go" tae getting in without waiting for his eomma's response. Jin sighed getting inside and start his car to the office location.

Every staff bowed at Mrs. Kim, but he is busy with caught his little babe "Tae please stop running" jin yelled at his naughty son, In another side tae running like a cute puppy. One of the staff comes across tae's way with a bunch of office paper to take copies. Tae snapped that papers to fly while running "Ha ha have a nice day" shows his famous box smile and waved his hands at the staff. The staff stunned there, jin comes in front of that staff "I am sorry for his behavior" he said and helped to collect the papers "It's okay Mrs. Kim, this is not a first tho and I am actually very happy to see our taetae playing again in office" the staff said with real happy smile. Taetae is like their stress relief medicine, how can they resist when tae shows his cutie and naughty sides at the same.

Tae looking at rose from the long distance "Nooooooonaaaaaaaaaaaaa" running towards her 'Shhh' rose gestured him to keep silent while she is talking to one of the clients in the phone. But that's enough to make tae on hyper mode, he grabbed the phone from her "Yes, Mr. Kim is speaking, you can call me after.." rose snatched the phone from tae "I am sorry sir, I will talk to you later" before rose say anything tae attacked her with a huggie "Noona, I missed you, where is appa? In meeting?" "TAE NO" it's too late tae already running to the meeting hall. "What he did now?" rose turns to jin "Mrs. Kim?!" she bowed at him "I am sorry, Mrs. Kim. I tried to stop him but.." "It's okay rose, where is he now?" "He going to the meeting hall" "Okay, I will take care" "Thanks, Mrs. Kim" she bowed again in relief.

"Apppppaaaaaaa" burst open the door "Tae?! Why are you here? Okay, you just wait in my room, I will come within.." tae interrupts his appa "I want this room to play" "WHAT?!!!" everyone glancing at him with kind of confusion "I.WANT.THIS.ROOM.." "Humkum, Excuse me sorry for the interrupt" jin bowed at them as a sorry "tae you come with me" jin said to tae only he can hear and tried to drag him by his wrist but tae slapped his eomma's hands and run to his appa "Appa me or business?" namjoon looking at his wife pleaded through his eye to help him "TAE" jin called him with cold tone, but tae without caring about that turns his appa by chin to face him "Tell me appa, me or.." "You are my most important dear, but appa have a small meeting, I will finish this as soon as possible then you.." tae shook his head multiple times "I.WANT.." "ENOUGH TAE, come with me" tae flinched in sudden high voice from his eomma, tears already formed in his eyes with little shivering lips. Before jin taking him out from the room namjoon announced "Sorry guys, we will continue this meeting some other times, you may all go now" jin and namjoon waits for everyone go out. Jin pulled tae into coming in front of him by his holding wrist, tae did as like jin remoting him.

"LOOK AT ME" tae shook his head while looking at the floor "I.SAID.LOOK.AT.ME" tae again shook his head looking down "Jinnie.." namjoon called his wife to calm down and come forward to him, jin glancing at namjoon like 'If you dare talk now' namjoon closed his mouth the next second. Namjoon knows very well about angry wife and his naughty son, jin does not like tae's naughty side when it comes exceeding the limit, he is okay with inside of their home, but outside tae should behave with some basic responsibility, he is not an ordinary boy and jin also not forcing him do like hoseok or namjoon he knows very well about his own babe, so he just wants his son to keep quiet and rest his butt on one place. Is that much hard for tae? Yes! Tae purposely doing like this whenever he comes to the office, like determinedly not obey his eomma's order. Tae is not like a social person, but he likes to do disturb whoever working sincerely. But today tae took over advantage, so jin don't have any other choice to control him. "I.DON'T.REPEAT.TAE" jin forced his son to look at him. Jin closed his eyes and takes deep breaths to control his, how can he scold his son when he is looking at him with scared puppy eyes. Jin wiped his tears and cups his small face into his big hands.

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