31 ~ Permission Granted

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Guk P.O.V:

"What should we do now?" I asked in low tone to lolita with little bit nervous, if eomeonim find out that I am here and secretly meet his precious son then I am dead. He already told me that he will call me to when tae is ready to meet me. But I came here in my curiosity and I don't want to leave now.

"Why are you nervous?, don't worry I will take care" he said very cooly and littly hits his head with mine.

My lolita doesn't know what kind of rules I am getting it from his eomma, and here I am coming up with breaking his every rules.

"Tae open the door" eomeonim yelled out from the outside "I am coming eomma" he gets down from my holds and took his steps towards the door but I stopped him by his wirst "What?" "Where should I hide?" he glared at me confusedly "Why?" "TAEEEEEE" eomeonim shouts again this time too loudly "We will talk about this later" he tapped my hands and run towards the door. 'Someone SAVE ME' I prayed for my life.

Jin P.O.V:

Finally, my babe opened the door, I sighed in relief.

"Why you took so long to open this door and first of all why locked it?" he never ever locked his room door.

"I didn't lock the door eomma, maybe he" he points out his back.

"Who?" jimin didn't come to home who is saying he, I opened the door wildly to see who is that.

"Hi eomeonim"

"YOU? WHY? HOW?" 'how did he enter our home without anyone notice, I am so shocked'

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"YOU? WHY? HOW?" 'how did he enter our home without anyone notice, I am so shocked'

"YOU? WHY? HOW?" 'how did he enter our home without anyone notice, I am so shocked'

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"I will explain eomeonim"

"I am too shocked eomma, when I saw him in my room" tae holds my left with his hands.

I turn to look at my babe "Babe, appa bought some ice creams for you, so you just go.." "Yeahhhhhh, Ice cream Gukkie come" he was about drag him but I stopped him "I have a small meeting with him, you go first we will back in few minutes, okay babe?" he just nodded cutely "Bye gukkie, come fast" he said fastly and runs out from the room "ICE CREAMMMMMM wait for meeee I cominggggggggggg".

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